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Gerua is a project that I have built as a tool for developers/designers to get some ideas related to color combinates for there personal use.
Compulsary Prerequisite | Optional Prerequisite |
- Has a wide range of colors. User doesn't have to sign in to use this website.
- Can see a particular color palette in zoom view and format the color palette upto some extent.
- Copy the hex color/rgb code with just a click
- Can give tint and shades of a selected color. You can also change the number of tints/shades based on their weights
- Point 5
- Helping/solving the issues/exploring this repo will give a solid foundation of react - react states.
- Give an insight to some basic and most frequent packages of react -
, 'values.js' - Styling using sass
- Arranging folder structure in small/moderate level react project.
- Give a good grasp over colors theory.
# Clone the project
git clone
# Go into the repo
cd ColorPalette-Gerua
# Install the dependencies
npm i
# Run the App
cd frontend
npm install
npm start