Product Owner : Z. Maraikar
SCRUM Master : Ms. Nimali Kularathne
Team : E/14/262 , E/14/305 , E/14/337
Write Twitter, FB messenger or IRC bots capable of providing useful information to students and staff of the department. Here are some ideas (each group can implement one or come up with their own.)
Answering timetable queries, e.g. asking the bot for "timetable today", gives you today's timetable, automatically mapping your ID to the proper semester Extend bot to allow staff to reschedule or cancel lectures or schedule extra sessions. Answer queries about GPA, cumulative credit deficit, prerequisites etc. by getting this information from an external system. Integrate with Moodle to alert you about upcoming deadlines, published grades etc. from your registered courses. The interesting and challenging aspect of this is to make your bot "intelligent."
Handle variations of queries like "timetable next Friday", "what do I have next?" etc. Handle context sensitivity "What subject can I repeat next semester?", "What is my next deadline?", "Cancel the next CO324 lecture" Useful links: