My minimal hyprland with Everforest gtk theme, Gruvbox plus icons and pywal. nothing fancy!
- OS: Arch Linux 💥
- WM: hyprland 🪟
- Shell: zsh 🐚
- Terminal Emulator: kitty 🐱
- Panel: waybar 🍧
- Text Editor: neovim ⌨️
- App Launcher: rofi 🚀
- File Manager: thunar 📂
- Browser: Firefox 🌐
- Notification Manager: dunst 🔔
- Colorscheme: Everforest 🎨
Here is all the information about my Laptop:
🐧 System
📚 Entry | ✨ App |
OS | Arch Linux |
Package Manager | pacman |
AUR Helper | yay |
Display Manager | sddm (with corner) |
Window Manager | hyprland ⚙️ |
Notification Daemon/Center | dunst |
Bar | waybar ⚙️ |
Application Launcher | rofi |
Firewall | ufw |
Clipboard Manager | wl-clipboard |
Wallpaper Switcher | swww |
Lock Screen | hyprlock ⚙️ |
Idle Timeout | hypridle ⚙️ |
Screenshot Tool | grim |