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Grid Template Variable for MODX Evolution

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MultiGridTV plugin
Transform template variables into a table/grid
for the MODX Evolution content management framework

  * With this plugin, one or more MODX template variables can be transformed
    into a small table/grid. 
  * The number of columns and the column headers can be set in the plugin
  * The number of rows can be modified during editing the MODX document.
  * The table/grid is sortable.
  * The configuration of the template variable transformations can be done 
    in the MODX plugin configuration or in configuration files.

Upload the 'multigrid' folder to 'assets/plugins' and create a plugin with the
following code


and check the event 'OnDocFormRender'.

The plugin configuration has to be set with the following lines:

&configs=Use Config Files:;list;yes,no;no &tvids=TV IDs:;text;1 
&tpl=Template IDs:;text; &roles=Roles:;text; 
&columnNames=Column Names:;text;key,value

'Use Config Files'  if set to yes the folder 'configs' will be searched for
                    * files which are processed as different
                    settings for groups of template variables. This is the 
                    only way to set DIFFERENT settings for DIFFERENT groups 
                    of template variables. 
'TV IDs'            is the id (or several comma separated ids) of a textarea
                    template variable, which will be transformed into a grid.
                    If several comma separated ids are used, the following
                    settings are used for EVERY template variable referenced.
'Template IDs'      is the id (or several comma separated ids) of a template 
                    the plugin is executed in.
'Role'              is the id (or several comma separated ids) of a manager 
                    user who can use the plugin.
'Column Names'      contains the comma separated column names of the generated
Example configuration:

If you want to have

  * 3 GridTVs for the TVs 'DataTable', 'Options' and 'People' with the ids
    5,6 / 8 and 15
  * Usable in the templates with the ids 4 and 6
  * Accessable for editors (role 2) and administrators (role 1) only
  * With column names 'Column 1', 'Column 2', 'Column 3' and 'Column 4' for the 
    first table, 'key' and 'value' for the second and 'id', 'first name' and 
    'last name' for the third table,

you have to write three configuration files (the first part of the filename
is not essential - you can name it i.e. by the name of the template varianble), 
$settings['tvids']       = '5,6'; // 'TV IDs'
$settings['tplids']      = '4,6'; // 'Template IDs'
$settings['roles']       = '1,2'; // 'Role'
$settings['columnNames'] = 'Column 1,Column 2,Column 3,Column 4'; // 'Column Names'
$settings['tvids']       = '8';
$settings['tplids']      = '4,6';
$settings['roles']       = '1,2';
// $settings['columnNames'] = 'key,value'; // not nessesary (same as default)
$settings['tvids']       = '15';
$settings['tplids']      = '4,6';
$settings['roles']       = '1,2';
$settings['columnNames'] = 'id,first name,last name';

place them in the 'configs' folder and/or overwrite and rename the 
* files in the folder and enable 'Use Config Files'

The only important line in this files is 
$settings['tvids']       = 'x';
The other lines will be set to defaults if they are not there.

For one GridTV you could use the plugin configuration.

To display these template variable, you have to create the snippet 'MultiGrid' 
with the code

return include(MODX_BASE_PATH.'assets/plugins/multigrid/MultiGrid.snippet.php');

and use snippet calls like these:

&outerTpl=`@CODE <ul>[.wrapper.]</ul>`
&rowTpl=`@CODE <li>[.Column 1.], [.Column 2.], [.Column 3.], [.Column 4.]</li>`

[!MultiGrid? &tvName=`Options`!]

&rowTpl=`@CODE:<option value="[.id.] [.firstName.] [.lastName.]">[.firstName.] [.lastName.]</option>`

For the parameters &outerTpl and &rowTpl there are three different ways to use:
 1. Chunkname
 3. @FILE (or @FILE:) /path/to/filename
 2. @CODE (or @CODE:) string with any HTML code and masked placeholders
    The placeholders have to be masked by [. and .] (same as in eForm)

Other notes:
The JSON string the grid is converted to starts with [[ and ends with ]] so the 
MODX parser thinks it contains a snippet and you can't place the template 
variable directly in the template.

It would be overkill to use the snippet to check wether the variable is empty or 
filled in PHx expressions, so the package contains two PHx modifiers 
to test wether the variable is empty or filled.


Grid Template Variable for MODX Evolution






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