This is my seventh project for the Front End Web Development Techdegree at Treehouse at which was tasked with creating
This project was the creation of a dashboard that displays the traffic on social media channels and members activity.
- Overview
- Process
- Author
- Acknowledgments Coming Soon
Users should be able to:
A mobile-first approach is utilized using min-width properties for media queries.
Use CSS grid to lay out the main elements (header, sidebar navigation, main content) on the page.
Includes alert banner that user can close.
Has multiple different charts implemented with Chart.js
Includes an alert icon in the header with a marker to notify the user of new alerts and messages.
Added a CSS animation and notification marker on the bell icon
Exceeds: Shows multiple notifications when the user clicks on the bell icon
Exceeds: Traffic line chart can be updated with new data using the hourly, daily, weekly and monthly links
Exceeds: Autocomplete search input field to search for members
Exceeds: Local storage is used to save the settings and display those settings upon reloading the page.
- Live Site URL: Project 7 WebApp Dashboard )
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- Flexbox
- CSS Grid
- Mobile-first layout
- SVG Images
- JavaScript
- Chart.js - JS library
Wow, I really learnt a lot on this project as this was the first project where you started with blank HTML, CSS and JavaScript files. This was also the first time I felt confident about my JavaScript skills.
Including SVG files as inline and as background images in CSS was fun, enjoyable as well as an exciting topic to learn. In addition, I independently learnt to add the option of a Dark Colour Theme to my project as an option for a user.
I created my own Toggle buttons with original Sass.
The most challenging part was the local storage.
In the future I'd like to improve this project by:
Using JavaScript I would like to add and remove the current class from my nav items when they are active or inactive.
Improve the JavaScript code I used for the Traffic Chart nav.
Use an API to work wih dynamic data
- Team Treehouse - samanthaatkinson
- Twitter - @sammodeste1
- LinkedIn - sam-atkinson-modeste
- GitHub - SamAtkinsonModeste
- Brian Jensen really knows how to support and bring out the best in a student. He always supports me even when I am going beyond the Exceed challenging requires and I am trying to do things beyond what I've been taught.😂 However, some how with his support I always achieve my goals.