This is a sample news application that fetches data from an Api using retrofit.
To get started head over from this website and get an API Key,
You can use the Developer option to get a free API KEY.You can clone this application git clone
.Navigate to the constants file in the utils package and paste your API_KEY const val API_KEY = "YOUR_API_KEY"
- Minimum SDK level 24
- Coroutines- for running asynchronous tasks.
- Flow- for emitting values reactively
- Hilt- for dependency Injection
- Coil- for loading images.
- Jsoup- for html parsing.
- Jetpack Compose- for building UI in a declarative manner.
- Room- for storing news in SQLite database .
- Jetpack Datastore- for storing typed objects with protocol buffers.
- Lifecycle- React to android lifecycle changes.
- Navigation components- Implement navigation in the app.