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File Format: VAG

SalsaGal edited this page Mar 24, 2024 · 2 revisions

vag is a proprietary format developed by Sony. It is designed to store audio streams, specifically SONY_4BIT_ADPCM streams using a similar concept to traditional wav files but with a much simpler header. This one in particular is the simple mono variant, other variants exist, but this is the most common.

It was used on many PlayStation 1 and PlayStation 2 games.


The magic number should always be "VAGp", and the header size is typically 48 bytes, but sometimes there might be extra padding of 16 zeros making the header 64 bytes long. The sample rate and body size must be greater than zero.

Name Type Endianness
Magic number ASCII character x4 N/A
Version Unsigned 32 bit integer Big
Reserved Unsigned 32 bit integer Big
Body size Unsigned 32 bit integer Big
Sample rate Unsigned 32 bit integer Big
Reserved Unsigned 32 bit integer x3 Big
Name ASCII name x16 N/A
(OPTIONAL) Padding Zeroed out 8 bit integer x16 N/A

The body continues until the end of the file.

Audio Chunks

Audio data is split up into chunks that are each 16 bytes wide.

Bytes Name Description
0 Shift / Filter
1 Flag 0: No operation
1: End
2: Loop
3: Loop end
4: Start
6: Loop start
7: Stop
2-15 ADPCM Data of 28 PCM samples in total (after decoding)

If a flag of 7 (stop) is encountered, that chunk will not be read and program still playing after reading the previous one.

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