Provides a way to use a secondary keyboard on windows PC as soundboard device
Forked from this project
Known issues
- project is still work in progress
- key input from secondary keyboard is not ignored by windows
- when playing a sound first time after startup the sound may not be clear because to the audio file is not yet loaded
Config keyboard
- configuration by editing SoundboardApp.exe.config
- one time config to select which keyboard to be used for trigger of sounds
- run the app
- press a key on the desired keyboard
- copy the id in the 'Device Details' section
- open the file SoundboardApp.exe.config
- open the link to xml escape tool
- format the Device id to escape xml special characters
- past this newly formated string in the value field of the "mykeyboardid" key
config audio
- all audio files must have a .wav format
- default location for audio source files is C:\Soundboard\Audio, this is configurable in SoundboardApp.exe.config
- the filename specifies to which the keyboard key the audio file is mapped. (example: the file C:\Soundboard\Audio\Q.wav links to the Q keyboard key. For full list of all keyboard keys including special keys such as arrows etc. visit