Releases: Sage/design-tokens
Releases · Sage/design-tokens
5.0.0-beta.30 (2024-12-05)
- data: Sync themes (f27beca)
- frozen dark: Add modes.color.interactive.monochrome.frozen.defaultAlt (ee66c85)
- frozen status colors: Add transparent token for subtle message bg. Plus re-order code in status to be alphabetical. (7881bde)
- frozen: Add (105ba1a)
- frozen: Add button.color.typical.toggle tokens (9a532f8)
5.0.0-beta.27 (2024-12-03)
- data: 2nd push (5dc3fdc)
- data: Add form.color.switch for FROZENPRODUCT theme (5535161)
- data: adding color overrides for progress bar (77bfecc)
- data: adding tab frozen colors (ae4b665)
- data: Change code order in FROZENPRODUCT theme colours (1a20919)
- data: correct FROZEN tertiary button enabled border value (8ce493c)
- data: DARK THEME Add Update values of tokens referencing primitive black and white to reference generic colour tokens. (acdcc09)
- data: first set of changes relating to dark theme contrastMore and contrastLess values, along with changes to tokens that reference contrastMore and contrastLess (db38739)
- data: fixing active and hover label breakages in frozen theme (2516e22)
- data: fixing issues with popover component in frozen theme (c1217e0)
- data: LIGHT THEME Add, and change all values that reference primitive white or black to reference generic colour tokens instead (3728b06)
- data: LIGHT THEME: 1. Correct modes.color.status info and callout defaultAlt values. 2. Correct value of status.callout.hoverAlt. DARK THEME: 1. Correct all status defaultAlt tokens to use same mixes as light theme tokens, with slight modification to the mix amount: 0.2 in dark vs of 0.1 in light. 2. Correct value of status.succes.hoverAlt. (3297228)
- data: Reorder code for button colours. (7142986)
- data: Update value of modes.color.status.caution.hover (d182ff8)
- data: update values of DARK THEME focus colours (974f3c7)
- data: Update values of primitives shadows for @dru (04f4097)
5.0.0-beta.25 (2024-12-02)
- data: syncing themes (ee340f6)
- data: Add modes.color.custom.frozen, and update to reference that. (fdf66c4)
- data: Add modes.light.color.custom.frozen and update modes.color.interactive.primary.legacy tokens to reference that. (c6fb180)
- data: Add nav menu border colour and width (2d0f45d)
- data: Add primitives.colors.tealBright and modes.color.status.generic.default (4188103)
- data: adding a brand mid layer color (86023e3)
- data: adding a large subtle radius token (4d1b23a)
- data: adding bg and bg alt progress colors (cd51101)
- data: adding copilot colors for foundations (f850743)
- data: adding dark colors for message subtle WIP (c0c183a)
- data: adding dark theme subtle message colors (2a98950)
- data: adding marketing large screen tokens (2e951b7)
- data: adding marketing overrides for semantic mid layer (04ce276)
- data: adding marketing primitive responsive step sizes (5540ccb)
- data: adding max width token for message content (3c6d37d)
- data: adding menu X tokens (2b559b1)
- data: adding remaining missing colors for our foundations icons (3d1aeef)
- data: adding space tokens for nikolay (cfbe567)
- data: adding subtext tokens underneath standard dropdown option set (22285dd)
- data: adding success green for validation text on password checker (3510371)
- data: adjusting baseline width to be 4px on tabs (400085f)
- data: adjusting color tokens for video button (23f677c)
- data: adjusting large subtle button top padding (c9b0495)
- data: adjusting mid layer hover alt colors (1cba6d0)
- data: adjusting video button based on joseph's feedback (f1e376b)
- data: changing password xg spacing to 6px (14df34a)
- data: consolidating down adaptive fonts to make them work in figma variables once more (a1d2087)
- data: Correct gradient values on color/interactive/ai active and hover, and on color/status/content/loading (f45ddb3)
- data: Dark mode: Remove incorrect lines in alpha mixes: 1. "color": "{modes.color.modifier.contrastLess}" from lines 202, 257, 609. 2."color": "{modes.color.modifier.contrastMore}" from lines 424, 623, 701 (e2c9a83)
- data: DARK THEME Correct gradient values on color/interactive/ai active and hover, and on color/status/content/loading (c40b2c8)
- data: fixing border width on arrows for tab (17a3e4f)
- data: fixing broken marketing typography overrides (75aa581)
- data: Fixing broken token aliases in progress file. (3abd04b)
- data: further video button tweaks (69632f3)
- data: increasing border-width for step flow. Looked too small previously (2fdf32d)
- data: Light mode: 1. Remove incorrect lines in alpha mixes: "color": "{modes.color.modifier.contrastMore}" from lines 425, 635, 713. 2. Remove incorrect line ""color": "{modes.color.modifier.contrastLess}" from lines 202, 257. (57a71d3)
- data: lightening the page backdrop color (31a7297)
- data: making step minus one 13px frozen theme for copilot usecase (8c04b23)
- data: pushing copilot identifier tokens (123ee77)
- data: pushing wip logo work (103afbe)
- data: reducing 4px top padding on option subtext in dropdown menus to 2px (d792ee8)
- data: reducing pading top on summary list component (2e22e1d)
- data: rename modes.color.interactive.dataEntry legacy to frozen (fade76c)
- data: Rename modes.color.interactive.primary legacy to frozen. (d9f29a9)
- data: Reorder code and add color.interactive.primary.frozen defaultAlt and hoverAlt to dark mode theme. (08b5096)
- data: restructuring some mid layer tokens to make monochrome less of a mess (52aad05)
- data: simplifying mid layer type tokens (522b2d5)
- data: sync to variables (d31329f)
- data: syncing themes (c740ae4)
- data: syncing themes (2f6b54d)
- data: syncing themes (590e9d7)
- data: syncing themes (b7a75f6)
- data: syncing themes (ec12d32)
- data: syncing themes (1a70579)
- data: syncing themes (d84ee1f)
- data: syncing variables (d6331a6)
- data: theme syncing (e35e444)
- data: theme syncing (ac68fe4)
- data: theme syncing (a966be1)
- data: theme syncing (0bcffe5)
- data: theme syncing (3654bb1)
- data: theme syncing (478830b)
- data: t...
5.0.0-beta.24 (2024-10-08)
- data: add an inverse color for bg alt (1c0922f)
- data: adding a size none for container group (4c17be2)
- data: adding adaptive size tokens for skeleton (e1c0621)
- data: adding better page bg colors to make the ui feel more modern (75f674f)
- data: adding bold link tokens (384774d)
- data: adding clamp responsive profile type tokens (a5ca8a5)
- data: adding H5 token for lisa (a410bea)
- data: adding heading mid layer tokens (94c40f8)
- data: adding marketing roundedness overrides for card and tile (d554a8b)
- data: adding mid level backdrop colors for page level tokens (94a564b)
- data: adding missing H5 token (e7d5751)
- data: adding missing legacy tokens for input and popovers (25979ed)
- data: adding missing pill wrapper tokens (631c800)
- data: adding more legacy theme overrides (125c97f)
- data: adding opacity token for progress spinner (e58e4b9)
- data: adding pill radius override to legacy theme (8a97267)
- data: adding profile type tokens (472cdf3)
- data: adding rating tokens (e34a901)
- data: adding small screen overrides for typography (1288db5)
- data: adding support for legacy navy subtle button (c25d316)
- data: adding XS size for initials in (892fb64)
- data: adjusting color bg color for spinner bg (a42e1c4)
- data: adjusting font sized for product default large paragraph text (5db76c2)
- data: attaching local variables (be6fcc9)
- data: attempting to override small type tokens (69f49e9)
- data: changing feedback group to be called status instead (6e53b61)
- data: changing paragraph name to be typical instead of standard (ccb1dc4)
- data: changing the order of variable modes (46c78b2)
- data: deleting a dupe token (4855c9e)
- data: finalising type tokens for profile comp (f64eb8d)
- data: fixing a typo (754ad3b)
- data: fixing alias references where inverse was referenced inside standard groups (f35c99e)
- data: fixing aliases on popover component group. Previosly inverse was pointing to standard. (7974ada)
- data: fixing an alias token in page component specific layer (d5a48f8)
- data: fixing bg colors for vas on rating (2be5cb3)
- data: fixing broken variables (8bfce1b)
- data: fixing container aliases to remove inverse references in standard groups (65581c7)
- data: fixing dimmer token issues (f02cf49)
- data: fixing focus label color issue on dark theme (2b095e3)
- data: fixing inverse bg color on nudge (be47be4)
- data: fixing issue with status bg color on inverse (5f9e5bd)
- data: fixing lots of component large type sizes. They were pointing to small instead of large. (c1e0631)
- data: fixing mid layer discrepencies (b3995f7)
- data: fixing responsive large subtle button where it accidentally pointed to small instead of large (3d2f3e7)
- data: fixing skeleton state mid layer aliases (80f5f9c)
- data: fixing skeleton state size (806efb6)
- data: fixing some of the issues withy file input tokens where mid layer was incorrectly set up (978741e)
- data: fixing some sentancecase issues (1ebdbdb)
- data: fixing status alias issues (bad7e72)
- data: fixing table label colors (25b4b0e)
- data: fixing typo in the progress group (2d2011c)
- data: improving table colors to make them more on brand (8349cae)
- data: making adaptive type play well with Figma (23dbc28)
- data: making sure large button type sizes point to their large counterparts in the mid layer (563e7ae)
- data: moving nudge tokens to container instead of status (150425b)
- data: removing alias reference to standard groups that sit within inverse inside status component file (ad4f054)
- data: removing all reference to inverse tokens (6369f3e)
- data: removing any reference of standard in inverse for buttons and badges (441eaf9)
- data: removing extra semicolons for linear gradients in the modes mid layer (5371e2d)
- data: removing token that breaks the things (4cbb2b2)
- data: simplifying skeleton size tokens (3a10a0a)
- data: simplifying the type tokens so we can change font size via variables (b7c5cde)
- data: syncing themes (b2872b9)
- data: syncing them...
5.0.0-beta.23 (2024-09-20)
- data: adding screensize dependant breakpoint-min-width token (4b280c3)
5.0.0-beta.22 (2024-09-09)
5.0.0-beta.20 (2024-09-06)
- data: feat(data): (284ae70)
- data: 1. Add base.color.generic.content.standard.moderate. 2. Update value of base.color.interactive.inactive.standard.iconAlt. (59e2354)
- data: 1. Add 2. Remove popover calendar tokens. (3903f30)
- data: 1. Add origin.colors.lightAiV. 2. Add 3. Add feedback.color.inverse.AI.nudge tokens. 4. Add feedback.color.inverse.text. (1a47a24)
- data: 1. Change progress.size. carouselselector to carousel.selector. 2. Change carouselslide carousel.slide. 3. Add 4. Reorder code alphabetically. (08bdf3e)
- data: 1. Change token name of several form.color.switch tokens from activedisabled and to activedisabled. 2. Update value of form.color.switch.label-active for On label. 3. Update value of form.color.switch.label-activedisabled. (a7c3655)
- data: 1. Create subsets in tokens. 2. Add tokens. (771a8f3)
- data: 1. Delete form.size.filepreview.thumbnail. 2. Add tokens. (a19b909)
- data: 1. Delete 2. Add x, xg, and y tokens (0b47dc4)
- data: 1. Move container.size.pagination tokens to progress.size.carouselselector. 2. Add progress.opacity.carousel.inactive. 3. Add (bbbde71)
- data: 1. Remove tokens. 2. Add button video colour tokens. 3. Update value of form.color.standard.calendar.text-hover. 4. Update values of modes.color.interactive.monochrome standard and inverse withDefault (ecf4299)
- data: 1. Rename to base.color.status.generic. 2. Rename progress.color.standard fg-alt3 to datavis.fg-default. (a35c46c)
- data: 1. Rename radius colorswatch token to colorpicker. 2. Add calendar spacing tokens to Form. 3. Reorder Form tokens alphabetically. (943b478)
- data: 1. Temporary update to nav.color boder tokens. 2. Update value of (9c66e78)
- data: 1. Update description of base.color.interactive.inactive.standard.contentAlt. 2. Add base.color.interactive.inactive.standard icon and iconAlt. 3. Update value of form.color.typical.icon- readOnly and disabled. (87a5b94)
- data: 1. Update nav color names from subtle to standard, and from harsh to inverse. 2. Move popover colors into a standard parent folder. Create inverse popover colors. Update value of 3. Add sage-icon font to global, and re-order font families. 4. Update value of global.typography.component.icon.M, and add S and L tokens. 5. Reorder typography code. (9a9593f)
- data: 1. Update progress skeleton space tokens. 2. Add container.radius.contacttile token. 3. Add container.color.inverse tokens. 4. Add container.radius.contacttile. (7fb492d)
- data: 1. Update value of form.radius.colorpicker. 2. Reorder Form radius and borderwidth tokens alphabetically. (95080b6)
- data: 1. Update value of global.size.icon S and L. 2. Update value of container.size.icon.L. 3. Add form.size.icon S and L. (81eb80a)
- data: 1. Update value of nav.size.horizontal.navbar.content.icon.M. 2. Update descriptions on tokens (8f1a109)
- data: 1. Update values and descriptions of base.color.interactive.primary tokens. 2. Add tokens (b66a85f)
- data: 1. Update values of yg.M and xg.M. 2 Addprogress.color.stepsequence colors. (557e518)
- data: 1) Delete nav.color item.border active and default tokens. 2) Delete nav.radius.navigationleft (61fe9df)
- data: 2nd push (2d725d0)
- data: 2nd push (9913ac4)
- data: 2nd push (d44bb3f)
- data: 2nd push (fd33c65)
- data: 2nd push (ce0578c)
- data: 2nd push (4b672cf)
- data: 2nd push (1575670)
- data: 2nd push (9ffce0c)
- data: 2nd push (d8046bb)
- data: 2nd push (35f4e22)
- data: 2nd push (a4cd3fe)
- data: 2nd push (0986cb8)
- data: 2nd push (af6de86)
- data: actioning primary and secondary text color ratios (4e1a804)
- data: add a higher contast subtle button (cac153b)
- data: Add activealt colours to navigation and popover. (4b61001)
- data: add ai border tokens (2dda7e1)
- data: Add base and component tokens for logo colours. (315b5e5)
- data: Add base colour for status AI, add feedback colour for AI, and move nudge into AI. (257a8ff)
- data: Add base status cool colour, and add progress.color.standard.fg-alt3 (for progress tracker) (f01188c)
- data: Add tokens. Update nav colour tokens. (82b1829)
- data: Add base.color.interactive.dataEntry.withActiveAlt and form.color.typical.iconAlt-active. (ad5e41b)
- data: Add and update value of feedback inverse horizontal token (5667887)
- data: Add boxshadow for tab navigation (f54613d)
- data: Add button colour and dimension tokens (742c67d)
- data: Add (cf6aa4b)
- data: Add S, M and L tokens (e8fabd9)
- data: Add (e54efc5)
- data: Add