The X-CUBE-AZURE-TELEMATICS (STM32 Azure IoT software for STM32Cube) provides ready-to-run firmware examples to support quick evaluation and development of Azure IoT Cloud applications on B-U585I-IOT02A.
Note: Please refer to X-CUBE-AZURE v2 package for a secured implementation with TFM Trustzone security and STSAFE device
Available applications:
- B-U585I-IOT02A:
- Nx_Azure_IoT: user documentation
Please clone this repo using recursive option in order to get all the required submodules:
git clone --recursive
Otherwise run the following command after cloned:
git submodule init
git submodule update
STM32 customers and users who want to contribute to this component can follow instructions provided in the CONTRIBUTING guide.
RTOS, Network, ThreadX, NetXDuo, Azure IoT, MQTT, DNS, TLS, WIFI, MXCHIP
Details about the content of this release are available in the release note here.