Main Changes
Maintenance release
- Code generation from STM32CubeMX application by .ioc file for each platform and for each applications
- For STEVAL-MKBOXPRO evaluation board (
- Removed projects BLEGPEx, BLESensors and ExampleCubeMxDataLog
- Updated projects BLEDualProgram, BLEMLC, BLEPiano, BLESensorsPnPL, NFC_FTM and SDDataLogRTos
- For STEVAL-STWINBX1 evaluation board (
- Removed projects BLEDualProgram, BLEGPEx and BLESensors
- Updated projects BLEDefaultFw, BLEMLC, BLESensorsPnPL, ExampleCubeMxDataLog, NFC_FTM and SDDataLogFilex
- Removed support for STEVAL-MKSBOX1V1 evaluation board (
- Updated HAL, drivers and middlewares version