This project is for creating & editing OGC IndoorGML 1.0.3 formated data. This is based on ogc-schemas, so later I will add License about this.
- OS : regardless of OS
- Maven : over 3.5 version. You need to install Maven and set MAVEN_HOME & PATH.
- How to set MAVEN_HOME : link for Window , link for Linux
- This project supports Maven wrapper. If you do not want to install Maven, follow 1-2) and 2-2)
- Java : JDK 1.8 (and only JDK 1.8). You need to install JDK and set JAVA_HOME & PATH.
- How to set JAVA_HOME : link
1-1. Project building with installed maven
mvn clean install
1-2. Project building with maven wrapper
./mvnw clean install
2-1. Spring server executing with installed maven
mvn jetty:run
2-2. Spring server executing with maven wrapper
./mvnw jetty:run
It is recommended to use the other port number(9797) with parameter
mvn jetty:run "-Djetty.port=9797"
- Clone the project
- Go into the cloned project folder and build the project with
mvn clean install
. - Run the server with
mvn jetty:run
(Change the port as you want.).
- Maven - Dependency Management
- Spring Framework 4.0 - Java web framework
- h2gis - Embedded Database
It is explained at the wiki.
- Hyemi Jeong - IndoorGML CRUD DAO developer [email protected]
- Hyung-Gyu Ryoo - IndoorGML Restful API developer [email protected]
- Do-Hoon Kang - InFactory server developer and maintainer [email protected]
Please refer to each project's style guidelines and guidelines for submitting patches and additions. In general, we follow the "fork-and-pull" Git workflow.
- Fork the repo on GitHub
- Clone the project to your own machine
- Commit changes to your own branch
- Push your work back up to your fork
- Submit a Pull request so that we can review your changes NOTE: Be sure to merge the latest from "upstream" before making a pull request!
This project is under the MIT License - see the LICENSE
More information is found at Wiki.