Code supporting tasks that discharge code for deployment.
Add require "discharger/task"
to your Rakefile.
Then build the discharger task
require "discharger/task"
Discharger::Task.create do |task|
task.version_file = "config/application.rb"
task.release_message_channel = "#some-slack-channel"
task.version_constant = "MyApp::VERSION"
task.app_name = "My App name"
task.commit_identifier = -> { `git rev-parse HEAD`.strip }
task.pull_request_url = ""
It will make Rake tasks available to push code to branches and notify Slack channels.
$ rake -T release
rake release # ---------- STEP 3 ----------
rake release:build # Release the current version to stage
rake release:config # Echo the configuration settings
rake release:prepare # ---------- STEP 1 ----------
rake release:slack[text,channel,emoji] # Send a message to Slack
rake release:stage # ---------- STEP 2 ----------
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "discharger"
And then execute:
$ bundle
Then run the install generator:
$ rails generate discharger:install
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install discharger
This gem is managed with Reissue.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.