Random notes about the SOCVR GitHub page.
- _posts holds the top level articles
- tools/_posts hold the tools artcles
- room/_posts hold the room articles
- room/meeting/_posts hold the roommeeting articles
- tools, room and meeting are categories
- they are used in _includes*header.md to render the correct menu items
- a post appears in the top menu if the Front Matter contains:
main: title of page
- a post that appears in an subment needs in the Front Matter contains:
menu: text for menu
- the correct header file is chosen in default.html
- the files in _posts folders that have their
specified require this because otherwise old links that are out in the wild will no longer work - in the .config.yml the permalink setting is removed which enables us to deep link to the files we have (for example /room/meetings/2016/10/03/October-2016-meeting.html)
- These changes should make it easier to add new content and re-organize or add new index pages when needed.
- New post must be in "_posts" in the following pattern: "YEAR-MONTH-DAY-TITLE"
- Files can be written in simple markdown and need this at the start of each post
layout: default
title: XY
- Links to other posts must follow this pattern "{% post_url YEAR-MONTH-DAY-TITLE %}"
- More information see: https://jekyllrb.com/