GNNLab is a factored system for sample-based GNN training over GPUs. GNNLab dedicates each GPU to the task of graph sampling or model training. It accelerates both tasks by eliminating GPU memory contention. Furthermore, GNNLab embodies a new pre-sampling based caching policy that takes both sampling algorithms and GNN datasets into account, showing an efficient and robust caching performance. This work is cooperated with the GraphScope team from Alibaba Group.
GNNLab: A Factored System For Sample-based GNN Training Over GPUs, EuroSys'22, Jianbang Yang, Dahai Tang, Xiaoniu Song, Lei Wang, Qiang Yin, Rong Chen, Wenyuan Yu, and Jingren Zhou.
Artifact Evaluation for GNNLab: Link.
FGNN is the initial version GNNLab, while SGNN is the initial version of TSOTA, a baseline system. SamGraph is the framework shared by the above system.
- Project Structure
- Paper's Hardware Configuration
- Installation
- Dataset Preprocessing
- QuickStart: Use FGNN to train GNN models
- Experiments
- License
- Academic and Conference Papers
> tree .
├── datagen # Dataset Preprocessing
├── example
│ ├── dgl
│ │ ├── multi_gpu # DGL models
│ ├── pyg
│ │ ├── multi_gpu # PyG models
│ ├── samgraph
│ │ ├── balance_switcher # FGNN Dynamic Switch
│ │ ├── multi_gpu # FGNN models
│ │ ├── sgnn # SGNN models
│ │ ├── sgnn_dgl # DGL PinSAGE models(SGNN simulated)
├── exp # Experiment Scripts
│ ├── figXX
│ ├── tableXX
├── samgraph # FGNN, SGNN source codes
└── utility # Useful tools for dataset preprocessing
- 8 * NVIDIA V100 GPUs (16GB of memory each)
- 2 * Intel Xeon Platinum 8163 CPUs (24 cores each)
- 512GB RAM
- Ubuntu 18.04 or Ubuntu 20.04
- gcc-7, g++-7
- CMake >= 3.14
- CUDA v10.1
- Python v3.8
- PyTorch v1.7.1
- DGL V0.7.1
- PyG v2.0.1
FGNN is built on CUDA 10.1. Follow the instructions in to install CUDA 10.1, and make sure that /usr/local/cuda
is linked to /usr/local/cuda-10.1
CUDA10.1 requires GCC (version<=7). Hence, make sure that gcc
is linked to gcc-7
, and g++
is linked to g++-7
# Ubuntu
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-7 7
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-7 7
We use conda to manage our python environment.
We use conda to manage our python environment.
conda create -n fgnn_env python==3.8 pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 torchaudio==0.7.2 cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch -y conda activate fgnn_env conda install cudnn numpy scipy networkx tqdm pandas ninja cmake -y # System cmake is too old to build DGL sudo apt install gnuplot # Install gnuplot for experiments:
Download GNN systems.
# Download FGNN source code git clone --recursive
Install DGL, PyG, and FastGraph. The package FastGraph is used to load datasets for GNN systems in all experiments.
# Install DGL ./gnnlab/3rdparty/ # Install PyG ./gnnlab/3rdparty/ # Install fastgraph ./gnnlab/utility/
Install FGNN (also called SamGraph) and SGNN.
cd gnnlab ./
Both DGL and FGNN need to use a lot of system resources. DGL CPU sampling requires cro-processing communications while FGNN's global queue requires memlock(pin) memory to enable faster memcpy between host memory and GPU memory. Hence we have to set the user limit.
Append the following content to /etc/security/limits.conf
and then reboot
* soft nofile 65535 # for DGL CPU sampling
* hard nofile 65535 # for DGL CPU sampling
* soft memlock 200000000 # for FGNN global queue
* hard memlock 200000000 # for FGNN global queue
After reboot you can see:
> ulimit -n
> ulimit -l
We provide two methods to get the Docker image.
Build the image from Dockerfile
We provide a Dockerfile to build the experiment image. The file is in the root directory of this repository. Users can use the following command to create a Docker environment.
docker build -t gnnlab/fgnn:v1.0 .
Pull the image from Docker Hub (about 4.24GB)
docker pull gnnlab/fgnn:v1.0 # We only test this image in the platform with all V100 GPUs # If users meet some running problems on other GPUs, we provide all tools needed in the image to re-build DGL, FGNN and PyG.
Then users can run tests in Docker.
docker run --ulimit memlock=-1 --rm --gpus all -v $HOST_VOLUMN:/graph-learning -it gnnlab/fgnn:v1.0 bash
Make sure that Docker can support CUDA while building images. Here is a reference to solve Docker building images with CUDA support.
See datagen/
to find out how to preprocess datasets.
FGNN is compiled into Python library. We have written several GNN models using FGNN’s APIs. These models are in gnnlab/example
and are easy to run as following:
cd gnnlab/example
python samgraph/multi_gpu/ --dataset papers100M --num-train-worker 1 --num-sample-worker 1 --pipeline --cache-policy pre_sample --cache-percentage 0.1 --num-epoch 10 --batch-size 8000
Our experiments have been automated by scripts (
). Each figure or table in our paper is treated as one experiment and is associated with a subdirectory in gnnlab/exp
. The script will automatically run the experiment, save the logs into files, and parse the output data from the files.
Note that running all experiments may take several hours. This table lists the expected running time for each experiment.
See exp/
to find out how to conduct the experiments.
FGNN is released under the Apache License 2.0.
[EuroSys] GNNLab: A Factored System for Sample-based GNN Training over GPUs. Jianbang Yang, Dahai Tang, Xiaoniu Song, Lei Wang, Qiang Yin, Rong Chen, Wenyuan Yu, Jingren Zhou. Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Computer Systems, Rennes, France, April, 2022.