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Testing Procedures

DRP edited this page Dec 6, 2018 · 4 revisions

Pre-Test setup

Red Car

Black Car

No standard procedure available yet

Path Following


roslaunch control master_control.launch
roslaunch geodesy tf_launch.launch
  • Turn on the switch on the car's dashboard. It should light up to indicate power is being supplied, and the wheels should turn to face forward, if they are not already there.


  • Echo the following topics to validate functionality:
    • GPS (/gps/fix)
    • IMU (/imu)
    • Yaw (/geodesy/tf)
    • ENU State (/localization/state)

Start Test

  • Start recording rosbag in desired directory with the following format: pathName_runNumber_gainValue_cmPerPointInterpolated Example: The command for straight line path, run 1 for that testing session, gain of 0, and 10 centimeters per point would look like this:
rosbag record -a -o straight_run1_gain0_10cmPerPnt
  • The output filename will be timestamped, so there is no need to worry about name conflicts.
  • Feel free to append information to the filename as necessary
  • Turn on autonomous driving mode with the following command:
rostopic pub /control/mode std_msgs/Bool "data: true"

NOTE: Typing rostopic pub /control/mode, then pressing the Tab key twice will automatically bring up this command set default to publish "false" instead of "true"

Stop Test

  • The car should stop when it reaches the end of the path
  • If car is about to crash, stop it by turning off the main power switch on the dashboard.
    • It's light should turn off to indicate that power is no longer being supplied
  • Press ctrl+c on every running terminal window to stop all processes and stop recording bag data.

Post Test Wrap up

  • Shut down all nodes
  • Turn off all power safely
  • Clean up all equipment and place in proper storage locations
  • Make sure all the batteries are plugged in and charged