Grid-point Model dynamical CORE (GMCORE) is currently on the latitude-longitude grid, but we also plan to incorporate quasi-uniform grid as backup. The numerics are working on C-grid, with general terrain following vertical coordinate.
- Parallelization using MPI:
- 1D latitudional decomposition (done)
- 2D decomposition (partially done)
- Optimize for X86 (~2024.04)
- Nesting at middle and low latitudes (~2021.11).
- Acceleration using GPU (~?).
- Baroclinic version (~2021.02).
- Hydrostatic baroclinic version (done)
- Rossby-Haurwitz wave test
- Mountain induced wave test
- Steady state test
- Baroclinic wave test
- Held-Suarez test
- Nonhydrostatic baroclinic version (~2021.02)
- X-Z version (done)
- Quasi-2D mountain wave on reduced sphere (done)
- Circular mountain wave on reduced sphere (done)
- Internal gravity wave (done)
- Hydrostatic baroclinic version (done)
- Advection module (done)
- Incorporation with physics parameterisation (2024.01-2024.10).
- Data assimilation (~?).
First make sure you have installed netCDF library, and set NETCDF_ROOT
environment variable to it. Then clone the repository:
$ git clone gmcore
$ cd gmcore
$ ./
You could build the model by following:
$ cd build
$ FC=mpiifort cmake ..
$ make -j8
There is a Python script
, which will clone the testbed repository, and run several tests, but it assumes MPI to be installed or SLURM job manager is available:
$ ./ -w <work_directory> --slurm -q <job_queue> -n <process_number> --ntasks-per-node <n>
It will take some time to run the tests. When the tests are finished, cd to <work_directory>
, and use some visualization tools, such as Panoply, to view the results.
- Li Dong [email protected]
- Jianghao Li
You are welcome to join our team to develop a robust global model!