- Clone repository:
git clone [email protected]:bfe-energie-dashboard/energy-dashboard-flutter-app.git
- Pull latest changes from repository (on develop branch):
git pull
- Get flutter dependencies:
flutter pub get
- Make sure you are registered in Amplify Studio and have access to the EnergyInfo-Swiss app. Amplify Studio: https://eu-central-1.admin.amplifyapp.com/admin/d275p8bhezlplb/staging/home
- Make sure Amplify CLI is installed and configured on your local machine: https://docs.amplify.aws/cli/start/install/
- Pull Amplify into your project (in root directory):
amplify pull --appId d275p8bhezlplb --envName staging
- Follow the instructions of Amplify CLI
- After successfully pulling backend environment staging from the cloud, you can run the app
- to ensure you develop agains DEV environment, you have to change the url's
- in api_base_helper.dart to
- in web_base_helper.dart to
- in api_base_helper.dart to
- increase the version in pubspec.yaml
- after the + set the versionName (just increment one)
- run
flutter build apk
to ensure the versionName will be written into local.properties
To build iOS you need the following:
- Make sure you installed cocoapods
sudo gem install cocoapods
and pods are installed in the ios foldercd ios
=>pod install
- If you have some errors, make sure you update all possible dependencies with
flutter pub upgrade
- run
flutter build appbundle
- create a release in play console
- upload app bundle to new release in play console
- run
open ios/Runner.xcworkspace
to open the project in xcode - in the general tab, update the version and the build number
- in the signing & capabilities tab make sure auotmatically signing is checked and the correct team is selected (Bundesamt fuer Energie BFE)
- run
flutter build ipa
or build directly in xcode (Product > Build) - you need to upload the builded ipa to appstoreconnect, for that you can use the transporter app from apple https://apps.apple.com/us/app/transporter/id1450874784?mt=12
- Android minimum API level: 24
- Gradle version: 7
- Kotlin: > 1.7
- iOS minimum deployment target: 13.0