This challenge will be creating a command line calculator. There are multiple parts with increasing difficulty.
Those familiar with functional programming might already understand this. Polish notation (in contrast with traditional infix notation) is a way of writing mathematical expressions which does not require the reader to think of operator precedence. In this notation, operators are written one the left and operands to the right. For example:
1 + 2
would be written as:
+ 1 2
The operands are recursively evaluated, with the inner most expressions being evaluated first:
1 + 2 - 3
would be:
- + 1 2 3
We start with the -
, it is an operator, so the operands need to be evaluated.
The next symbol +
is also an operator and its operands need to be evaluated.
The next symbol is 1
which is a value, we now have the first operand of +
The next symbol is 2
which is a value, we now have the second, and last,
operand of +
. We evaluate, and get 3
, returning it as the first operand
to the -
. The next symbol is 3
which is a value, we now have the second, and
last, operand of the -
. Evaluating the operation gives the result 0
. This
is the basic algorithm for evaluating Polish notation.
Note that the after inner operation is evaluated, the outer operation should start reading symbols where the inner operation left of. The following snippet, showcases this, by use of cursors.
func ParseStr(input string, cursor *int) (value int, err error) {
if num, n, ok := startsWithNumber(input[*cursor:]); ok {
*cursor += n
return num, nil
op := input[*cursor]
*cursor += 2 // move from operator, move from space
left, err := ParseStr(input, cursor)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
*cursor += 1 // space between operands
right, err := ParseStr(input, cursor)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
value, err = doOp(op, left, right)
return value, nil
This works but, it has a downfall, it assumes all opertors have two operands.
Try implementing an algorithm to handle the factorial operator !
only has one argumnet. hint: switch
on the operator, it can make adding
new oprators easier.
The polish notation and it's recursive properties also facilitates the creation of an abstract syntax tree (AST). This is a data structure which descibes a program its operations. For our AST we should first define a concrete value:
type ValueNode int
Next we'll define an expression, this will ecompass anything that resolves to a
concrete value. For example * 1 3
is not a concrete value, but can be
type ExprNode interface {
This interface does nothing but enforce typing rules. We could have
a method Eval
that evalutaes the expression but, that'll make things too
easy ;) We'll also be adding to this interface later on.
We need to now implement this in value node.
func (op *ValueNode) ExprNode() {}
With these types, we can now define an operation and its methods
type OpNode struct {
Op byte
Operands []Expr
func (op *OpNode) ExprNode() {}
Now, change the ParseStr
function to return an ExprNode.
Once we have a tree of our program, we need to somehow run it. There's several
options here. For a small language such as ours and given the capabilities
of Go
we can write methods on ExprNode
to evaluate itself as noted before.
The typical approach to this in interpreted languages is to build a virtual machine
(VM). Simply put a virtual machine is the machinery that executes the primitive
operations of a language. In our langugage this is simple arithmatic such as
adding, subtracting, etc. In other languges this can get as abstract as creating
classes, memory management, and os iteraction.
Our VM will consist of a stack for results and two registers for executing operations. One register for the op code and another for the argument. The code might be easier to understand:
type VM struct {
Result []int
func (vm *VM) Exec(opcode int, arg interface{}) error {
switch opcode {
case OpAdd:
argi, ok := arg.(int)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("bad arg %v", arg)
vm.Result[len(vm.Result)-1] += argi
return nil
case OpPush:
argi, ok := arg.(int)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("bad arg %v", arg)
vm.Result = append(vm.Result, argi)
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("bad opcode %d", opcode)
Note that here we also began to create the defining bytecode. By this, I mean that an instruction is defined by an int and a generic value as an argument. We also came up with an opcode for the addition operation.