The original game's source code can be found here:
The game is based on the works of the SCP Foundation community.
- Make sure the Working Directory of the SCPCB project is set to
(Configuration Properties -> Debugging).
Licensing terms can be found in License.txt.
- Not adhering to the PGE guidelines.
- Anything that isn't OTBS (Allman, GNU, etc).
- Omitting brackets when they can be used.
- Any language other than C++, AngelScript and JavaScript (for scripts).
- Anything other than lower camelCase for functions and variables.
- Anything other than upper CamelCase for class/struct/enum names.
- Anything other than screaming SNAKE_CASE for constants and enum values.
- Global variables.
- Tabs & indentations other than multiples of 4 spaces.
- Anything other than LF newlines.
#pragma once
.- Text/source files without a newline at the end.
- Declaring several variables in one statement.
- Placing the pointer/reference symbol anywhere other than next to the type.