An Implementation of PILCO: Probabilistic Inference for Learning Control on the Pendulum environment
We recommend using a conda virtual environment. Installation assumes that the user already has a MuJuCo licence available at:
conda create -n pilco python==3.7
conda activate pilco
pip install tensorflow==2.2.0
pip install gpflow==2.0.0
pip install gast==0.3.3
pip install gym
pip3 install -U 'mujoco-py<2.1,>=2.0'
conda install matplotlib pandas pytest
The example may be run as follows:
where the default hyperparameter values have been configured to produce a plot resembling the one below. Random seeds are not fixed and so different plots will be obtained every time the script is run. There is considerable scope for hyperparameter tuning!
The following excellent open-source projects: and proved to be highly valuable references.