The code for FvHallucinator is made available under the Rosetta-DL license as part of the Rosetta-DL bundle.
FvHallucinator designs sequences that fold into a desired Fv structure by leveraging a pretrained sequence-to-structure prediction DL model, DeepAb (Ruffolo et al. 2021 Patterns). We adapted the trDesign (Norn et al. 2021 PNAS) approach where the problem of predicting sequence given structure has been reframed as the problem of maximizing the conditional probability of a sequence given structure. In the case of the Fv, we are primarily interested in designing a subset of the residues (CDRs, VH-VL interface), so we split the sequence S into fixed and designable positions, SF and SD. We then seek the design subsequence SD that maximizes the conditional probability of the sequence S given a target structure T and the fixed sequence SF. For more details, please refer to Mahajan et al. 2022.
All hallucinated sequences from publication are available on Zenodo.
The FvHallucinator reository builds upon the DeepAb repository.
FvHallucinator requires python3.6 or higher. For a full list of requirements, see requirements.txt. For folding hallucinated sequences with DeepAb, you will additionally need a PyRosetta license (for installing pyrosetta, use conda or with
Start by setting up a python virtual environment (or conda) with python3.6 or higher
python3 -m venv <path_to_env>
source <path_to_env>/bin/activate
# Use the requirements.txt file to install dependencies
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Pretrained DeepAb models need 330MB of free space. To download, run the following commands in your terminal.
tar -xvzf ensemble_abresnet_v1.tar.gz
Move the unzipped folder to <path_to_repo>/trained_models. The script expects the model weights to be present in <path_to_repo>/trained_models/ensemble_abresnet/*.pt
We recommend running hallucination on GPUs. Designs can be generated in parallel.
To design CDR loops for a target CDR conformation, run unrestricted hallucination. In this mode of hallucination, sequences are only constrained by the target structure/conformation.
The pipeline requires all pdbs to be chothia-numbered. To obtain chothia-numbered pdbs, we recommend Abnum or ANARCI. Below is an example bash script (also see examples/ (For all options, run python3 -h)
# activate virtual environment
# set pythonpath
export PATH_TO_REPO=<path_to_repo>
# chothia-numbered target structure for the Fv region
# example pdb for Trastuzumab Fv from data
# name of the output folder
# Generating 50 designs; recommended number of designs for cdrh3 is > 500.
# --seed <> manual seeding each design with a different seed
# --suffix <> suffix to use for each design
# disallow the method from designing cysteines at all positions
for ((j = $start; j < $stop; j++)); do
python3 $PATH_TO_REPO/ \
--target $TARGET_PDB \
--iterations 50 \
--suffix $j \
--prefix $PREFIX \
--seed $j \
--cdr_list h3 \
--disallow_aas_at_all_positions C
This script will generate hallucination trajectories and final sequences in $PREFIX/trajectories/
It is also possible to design other subsequences on the Fv regions with the following options:
--indices <string of indices to design with chains and chothia numbering> # e.g. h:20,31A/l:56,57
--hl_interface # design residues at the Vh-Vl interface (only non-cdr residues)
--framework # design all framework residues
--exclude <string of indices to exclude from design with chains and chothia numbering> # e.g. h:31A,52/l:56,57
# --exclude can be combined with --hl_interface, --framework, --cdr_list
If no design region is specified, the full Fv will be designed. This mode was not explored in the published work and we do not recommend it.
python3 $PATH_TO_REPO/ \
--trajectory_path $PREFIX \
--target $TARGET_PDB \
--cdr h3 \
--outdir $PREFIX/results #where the post-processing results will be stored
Results will include sequences of all CDR H3 designs in the file $PREFIX/results/sequences_indices.fasta, full Fv sequence of all designs in $PREFIX/results/sequences.fasta and sequence logos.
To compare hallucinated designs with PyIgClassify, you can additionally specify the path for PyIgClassify database. The latest version of this database can be downloaded from here. Alternatively, you can use the database used to generate data for the publication from data/cdr_clusters_pssm_dict.pkl with the option:
--cdr_cluster_database data/cdr_clusters_pssm_dict.pkl
This option only works with the option --cdr <cdr_name>
For post-processing designs at the Vh-Vl interface, we additionally use ANARCI. This must be installed as described here. If ANARCI is not installed, FR scores will not be calculated.
Design positions can be initialized with residues from the starting antibody (target_pdb) instead of random initialization with --seed_with_WT
You can additionally guide hallucination towards relevant sequence spaces with sequence based losses as described below.
This mode adds a loss during optimization to keep the designed sequence close to the starting sequence. To enable this loss set a non-zero weight for sequence loss with --seq_loss_weight 25
, where the weight determines the relative weight of the sequence loss and geometric loss. We recommend weights between 10-30. A higher weight will lead to designs closer to starting sequence and vice-versa.
This mode adds a loss during optimization to sample specified design positions from a restricted set of amino acids at a desired frequency/proportion. For example, to specify that position 100A (must be chothia numbered) on the CDR H3 loop, samples tyrosine and trytophan in equal proportions use options,
--restricted_positions_kl_loss_weight 100 \ #recommended loss weight
--restrict_positions_to_freq h:100A-W=0.50-Y=0.50 \
For a full list of options, run python3 -h
For folding hallucinated sequences with DeepAb and obtaining RMSDs, run:
# sequences.fasta file is generated by
# See examples/ for a parallel version using dask distributed
$DIR/results/sequences.fasta \
--pdbs_from_model \
--decoys 5 \
--outdir $DIR \
--scratch_space $DIR/tmp_scratch \
--slurm_cluster_config config.json \
--cdr_list h3 \
--start ${start_run} \
--end ${end}
# consolidate designs from all folding runs
$DIR/results/sequences.fasta \
--plot_consolidated_funnels \
--path_forward_folded $DIR/forward_folding \
--outdir $DIR \
--cdr_list h3 \
--start ${start_run} \
--end ${end}
We recommend running folding on a cluster (cpus). When the cluster option is enabled with --slurm_cluster_config config.json
, dask will generate decoys in parallel. Using options --start and --end
, many such scripts can be run in parallel to fold chunks (e.g. 0-10, 10-20, 100-200 etc.) of designed sequences. See examples/ for a parallel version using dask distributed.
Example config file for slurm cluster
"cores": 1,
"memory": "9GB",
"processes": 1,
"queue": "<queue name>",
"job_cpu": 2,
"walltime": "10:00:00"
The folded pdbs will be in $DIR/forward_folding/ and the consolidated root-mean-square-deviations with respect to the target pdb will be in $DIR/forward_folding/results
To virtually screen hallucinated designs, provide a pdb with the structure of the antibody (Fv only) and the antigen and run:
$DIR/results/sequences_indices.fasta \
--get_relaxed_complex \ #this option is for virtual screening
--partner_chains HL_X \ #provide chain names for antibody and antigen chains separated by an underscore
--outdir $DIR \
--cdr_list h3 \
--start ${start_run} \
--end ${end} \
--slurm_cluster_config config.json \
--scratch_space $DIR/tmp_scratch_dg
# consolidate from parallel runs and screen
$DIR/results/sequences_indices.fasta \
--plot_consolidated_dG \
--outdir $DIR \
--cdr h3 \
--start ${start_run} \
--end ${end}
To obtain designs that satisfy both folding and binding criteria, run:
--csv_forward_folded $DIR/forward_folding/results/consolidated_ff_lowest_N010.csv \
--csv_complexes $DIR/virtual_binding/relaxed_mutants_data/results/improved_dG_sequences_0-10.csv \
--rmsd_filter H3,2.0 \
--outdir $DIR/results_filtered_output \
--cdr_list h3
Here, we selected designs wth CDR H3 RMSD less than or equal to 2.0 angstrom. You can select based on multiple thresholds as a json file with the option
--rmsd_filter_json <json file> # specify CDR RMSD cutoffs with respect to the starting antibody
Mahajan, S. P., Ruffolo, J. A., Frick, R., & Gray, J. J. A deep learning framework to hallucinate structure-conditioned and antigen-specific antibodies. bioRxiv 2022.06.06.494991 (2022)