Update electron to v0.36.4
Add files to make branding easily
Add spellchecker
Create class to manage servers
Create class to manage sidebar (servers list)
Create class to manage webviews
If you inform a server address with HTTPS we will fallback to HTTP if necessary
Improve file upload getting file from inside the web view instead of from the main view and transmit to the webview via IPC
Improve offline message
Load all servers on aplication startup to enable notifications for all servers
Load the last server and last room on application load or refresh
Move all images to /app/images
Now you can inform the server address without protocol, we will try HTTPS and then HTTP
Open correct server from desktop notification
Reactive tray icon
Remove coffee-script dependency
Remove font Roboto
Remove unused CSS/LESS
Show total of unreads in the application icon (OS X)
Sidebar design improvement
Sidebar now have a new button to add new servers
Sidebar shows server's alert badge
Sidebar shows server's icon or initials
Sidebar shows server's title on mouse over
Sidebar shows server's unread count
Use webviews to allow multiple servers online at the same time
You can’t perform that action at this time.