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Robotic Arm Manipulation Demo

This project demonstrates the use of RAI framework interfacing with a robotic arm in a simulation. In particular, it shows the communication between Generative AI models and the Panda Franka manipulator, which is a popular choice in AI and manipulation research in the robotic community.

The simulation uses O3DE game engine paired with ROS 2 Gem.


Demo description

The demonstration features a simulation of a robotic arm equipped with a gripper, which interacts with a multitude of objects that can be grasped, sorted, or manipulated based on instructions issued in the natural language. The RAI framework captures contextual information such as camera images and available command sets, subsequently translating these commands into ROS 2 messages to execute the arm's movements resolved by the Generative AI models.

Building the demo


  • Install ROS2
  • Install all ROS2 packages required by O3DE
  • Install the packages required by this project:
rosdep install --from-paths ros2_ws/src --ignore-src -r -y
  • Install git-lfs for pulling binary files:
sudo apt-get install git-lfs
  • Clone and build RAI (follow the instructions there).

O3DE Setup

Assuming a common base folder $DEMO_BASE (absolute path):

  1. Clone O3DE and register the engine:
git clone -b main
cd $DEMO_BASE/o3de
git lfs install
git lfs pull
scripts/ register --this-engine
  1. Clone o3de-extras and register the gems
git clone -b main
$DEMO_BASE/o3de/scripts/ register -agp $DEMO_BASE/o3de-extras/Gems

Project setup

  1. Clone the repository and build the O3DE project.
git clone
cd $DEMO_BASE/rai-manipulation-demo/Project
cmake --build build/linux --config profile --target RAIManipulationDemo.Assets RAIManipulationDemo.GameLauncher Editor
  1. Build the ROS2 workspace.

NOTE: This step requires to have RAI packages built and sourced! Make sure to run source install/ in the RAI directory before continuing.

cd $DEMO_BASE/rai-manipulation-demo/ros2_ws
colcon build

Running the demo

  1. Run the Game Launcher.
cd $DEMO_BASE/rai-manipulation-demo/Project
  1. Launch MoveIt:
cd $DEMO_BASE/rai-manipulation-demo/Project/Examples
ros2 launch
  1. Run the manipulation interface node.
cd $DEMO_BASE/rai-manipulation-demo
source ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
ros2 run robotic_manipulation robotic_manipulation

The package exposes one service:

  • /manipulator_move_to (rai_interfaces/srv/ManipulatorMoveTo) - Moves the manipulator to the specified pose, with two intermediate poses above the current position and the target pose, allowing safe manipulation of the objects on the scene. Allows specifying gripper states before and after the movement.