This project demonstrates communication between two Arduino devices using ROS (Robot Operating System). The first Arduino is equipped with ultrasonic sensors and publishes sensor data, while the second Arduino controls motors based on commands received from the first Arduino via ROS messages.
- Arduino Uno (two units)
- Ultrasonic sensors
- Motor driver
- DC motors
- Jumper wires
- ROS (Robot Operating System)
- Arduino IDE
Install ROS on your Ubuntu machine by following the instructions provided on the ROS Installation Guide.
Set up the Arduino IDE for ROS by installing the required libraries:
- ros_lib (provided by the rosserial_arduino package)
- std_msgs
Clone this repository to your local machine.
Connect the first Arduino (sensors) to your computer via USB and upload the
sketch located in thearduino1
directory. -
Connect the second Arduino (motors) to your computer via USB and upload the
sketch located in thearduino2
directory. -
Make sure to configure the correct serial port (e.g.,
for the first Arduino and/dev/ttyACM1
for the second Arduino) in the Arduino IDE before uploading the sketches.
Launch ROS Core: Open a terminal window and run the following command to start the ROS core:
Run ROS Node Open a new terminal window and run the following command to start the ROS node which
rosrun my_listener_pkg
Run ROS Node for Arduino 1: Open a new terminal window and run the following command to start the ROS node for Arduino 1:
rosrun rosserial_python /dev/ttyACM0 _baud:=9600 _buffer_size:=512 __name:=serial_node_1
Run ROS Node for Arduino 2: Open another terminal window and run the following command to start the ROS node for Arduino 2:
rosrun rosserial_python /dev/ttyACM1 _baud:=9600 _buffer_size:=512 __name:=serial_node_2
Make sure to replace /dev/ttyACM0
and /dev/ttyACM1
with the appropriate serial port for each Arduino.
bash ls /dev/ttyACM*
Ensure that each node has a unique name specified with the __name:=
argument to prevent conflicts. For example, serial_node_1
and serial_node_2
You can monitor the data being transmitted to Arduino 2 by running the following commands in separate terminal windows:
rostopic echo /sensor_data
rostopic echo /motor_commands
These commands will display the messages being published on the respective ROS topics.
- If you encounter any issues during installation or execution, refer to the official ROS documentation and community forums for assistance.
- Shival Gupta
- Dipshikha Chakroborty
- Jashan Uppal
This project is licensed under the MIT License.