vagrant docker provider demo
Report Linux related problems here:
*) install docker - avoid version 0.10.0 since it has a problem with /dev/shm - I currently use v0.10.1
That's what I did on Ubuntu 12.04:
sudo sh -c "echo deb docker main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list"
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 36A1D7869245C8950F966E92D8576A8BA88D21E9
sudo sh -c "wget -qO- | apt-key add -"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y lxc-docker
add your user to the docker group:
sudo adduser ${USER} docker
*) install vagrant 1.6+:
*) clone the vagrant file(s) and helper scripts
You might need to create a ~/.gitconfig for this to work
cd ~
git clone
*) get into your newly cloned git repo
cd ~/vagrant-phusion-baseimage
*) create docker stuff with vagrant:
*) ssh to it:
If you really really want it on Windoze keep on reading. It would be much easier to wipe your Windows and install Ubuntu.
Windows is a pain in the ass!
... I warned you ...
*) install putty:
*) install vagrant 1.6+:
*) install VirtualBox:
click yes to the complaints you get that this software packages are not signed
*) Make sure to put the folder where Virtualbox was installed on the System Path!
In Unix/Linux it would be something like:
export PATH=$PATH:"/cygdrive/e/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/"
In Windoze do whatever you have to do and - restart...
*) I guess (since it's Windoze) you rebooted already a couple of times until here. If not it's now a good time to reboot!
Check that we have vagrant and virtualbox on the system path, if not, fix it now!
*) install Cygwin: and make sure you choose:
Git packages from the “Devel” category:
bsd stuff:
ssh server:
install/configure/start the ssh server:
*) use putty to ssh to your newly created ssh server
To avoid funny problems I recommend to access the ssh server/cygwin through putty from now on!
*) In order not to spend hours searching (like me) make sure bsdtar and bstcpio which come with vagrant are operational: (it seems to be quite usual for bsdtar not to work - hashicorp/vagrant#3724)
make sure that /HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gnuwin32/bin:
are working. Just execute them on a DOS shell to check.
If they don't work find a replacement, like from Cygwin (see above) and copy them over to /HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gnuwin32/bin:
e.g. in a Cywgin shell from /HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gnuwin32/bin:
cp /usr/bin/bsdcpio.exe .
cp /usr/bin/bsdtar.exe .
*) get into your home directory (through putty/cygwin)
cd ~
*) make sure vagrant is able to download a box
VAGRANT_LOG=debug vagrant box add --clean hashicorp/precise64 --provider virtualbox --insecure
2) virtualbox <--- choose this
... wait ...
If this does not work check bsdtar.exe!
Only if this works go ahead!!!
*) clone the vagrant file(s) and helper scripts - remember all through putty on the cygwin ssh server
You might need to create a ~/.gitconfig for this to work
cd ~
git clone
*) get into your newly cloned git repo
cd ~/vagrant-phusion-baseimage
*) create VM and docker stuff with vagrant
*) ssh to it