The purpose of this repo is to provide guidance on bringing yourself up to speed quickly with Git.
I highly recommend the following Pluralsight courses on Git:
- How Git Works by Paolo Perrotta - This training clearly describes the Git object model by looking at how git objects are being stored. Having a deep understanding of how Git works will help demystify what is happening when you run differing commands.
- Mastering Git on Pluralsight by Paolo Perrotta - This training picks up where 'How Git Works' leaves off. It illustrates the basic local workflow, as well as gives you examples of common workflows.
Katas are a great way to learn technologies. I put together the following katas to: 1 Reinforce the understanding of the Git Object Model 2 Reinforce commands used in a common local Git workflow 3 Reinforce commands used in a centralized local Git workflow
The katas contain the following:
These are commands that you will find yourself using. The kata reinforces the use of these commands.
These are concepts that I believe are valuable for you to know. The kata reinforces these concepts.
Each Kata is setup in a table with the following columns:
- Objective - What are you logically trying to accomplish
- Command - What is a command that will accomplish the task
- Notes - Here we will show some expected outcomes, as well as provide some learnings
When performing the kata for the first few times, you can/should look at all 3 columns. The Command column will give you at least one command that meets the objective, while the Notes adds commentary and potentially some learnings. After you have done it a few times, try it with only looking at the objective.
- Understanding the Git Object Model - This kata reinforces the understanding fo the Git Object Model. It is a great follow up to 'How Git Works'
- Common Local Workflow - This kata helps reinforce a common local workflow, including reverting changes to the working area, the index and commits.
I welcome all feedback!