The netlib is an object oriented platform independend interface to the C socket API.
The current version of netlib is still a work in progress, and is not tested. Most functionality regarding IPv4 should work already though.
The netlib also contains primitives for asynchronous communication, which comes in the form of an event polling interface and coroutines used for asynchronous sending and receiving.
Navigate to the directory you want to have the netlib
folder in. Now execute:
git clone
Make sure you have CMake installed. Now navigate into the netlib
directory and execute:
cmake .
Or, if you wish to build into a separate directory:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
This generates project / make files (depending on your machine configuration). Use these to compile the library. It also downloads any dependencies and creates an include directory that can be used to import netlib into other projects.
Makes sure to have doxygen installed, and navigate to the netlib
directory, and execute:
doxygen Doxyfile
This will generate a documentation in netlib/html
. This file has been set as main page of the documentation. More documentation can be found in netlib/docs/
For a better experience, generate documentation using doxygen, so that references to code entities will be converted to hyperlinks.
A copy of the license text the netlib is released under can be found in the text file netlib/LICENSE