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Repository files navigation


  • Regularly backup your data by exporting your modules and bookmarked questions!
  • Clearing the browser cache (e.g. before an exam) will result in the loss of your data!
  • Some UI elements are currently not working (e.g. module progress)!


Create a new Module

  1. Click on Add Module in the Module Overview
  2. Fill in the fields under Create new Module
    • ID: The ID of the module has to be unique!
    • Name: The full name of the new module.
    • Language: The language is used for spellchecking when creating a question.
    • Compatibility Version: This value describes when the module was created. The user can't change this value.
  3. Click on Create
  4. The new module will appear in the Module Overview and can be viewed by clicking on View >

Import an existing Module

  1. Click on Add Module in the Module Overview
  2. Either click on Browse files and select the file(s) your-file.json or drag and drop the file(s) into the dotted area
  3. Finally click on Add
  4. The new module will appear in the Module Overview and can be viewed by clicking on View >


If the module already exist in your modules it will be completely overwritten with the imported module!

Export a Module

  1. In the Module Overview click on the 3 dots () in the module you want to export
  2. Click on Export
  3. Depending on the browser you will either be prompted to choose a file location or the module will be downloaded directly to the default download location

Delete a Module

  1. In the Module Overview click on the 3 dots () in the module you want to delete
  2. Click on Delete

Practice Modes

You can practice your questions in chronological (default) or random order.
There is also the option to just train with bookmarked questions.


The questions are in order that they were created in.


The order of the questions is random but each question will only be shown once.


To practice with the questions you bookmarked navigate to the module and click the Start > button inside Bookmarked Questions.
The questions are in the order that they were saved in. Read how to bookmark a question.

Train Bookmarked Questions

Adding and editing Questions

Add a new Question

  1. Inside the module you want to add a question find the card Add Question and click on Add >.
  2. Fill in the required fields (Learn more about the Question Editor)
  3. Click on Add or Add + View
  4. The question will be added to the end of the existing questions

Edit a existing Question

  1. Click on the edit button inside a question
    Edit Button
  2. Fill in the required fields (Learn more about the Question Editor)
  3. Click on Update


On mobile you may have to first extend the bottom of the navigation

Question Editor


Field Description Styleable? Required?
id The unique id of the questions ✔️
title The title of the question ✔️
points Max point value of a question
type The type of the question ✔️
help Explain what the user needs to do ✔️
answerOptions The interactive part of the question ✔️ ✔️

Question Types


Multiple-Choice questions have exactly one correct answer and are characterized by a circle in front of each option.


Multiple Choice Example

You can add and edit this type of question through the normal UI.


Multiple-Response questions can have multiple correct answers and are characterized by a square in front of each option.


Multiple Response Example

You can add and edit this type of question through the normal UI.

Gap Text

Gap Text questions require the user to fill in the missing words. In the editor a gap is created by wrapping the correct word(s) inside square brackets and separating multiple correct words with a semicolon like this: [correct; right].


Gap Text Example

You can add and edit this type of question through the normal UI.

Gap Text Dropdown

The question type Gap Text Dropdown requires the user to select the correct answer for a gap from a dropdown list. A gap is created by a square bracket.


Gap Text Dropdown Example

You can not add this type of question through the normal UI. Download the module and edit the raw .json file!

  "id": "qID-4",
  "title": "This is a question of the type gap text with preselected values for each gap. Each gap is rated independently, meaning that part points are possible. Choose the correct values for each gap in the following text.",
  "points": 5,
  "type": "gap-text-dropdown",
  "help": "Fill in the blanks with the **correct** Values!",
  "answerOptions": {
    "text": "Possible values for each gap can be selected from a []-list. If the user answers 50% of the gaps correctly, he will be awarded [] of the points.",
    "dropdowns": [
        "id": "select-0",
        "options": [
        "correct": "Dropdown"
        "id": "select-1",
        "options": [
        "correct": "50%"



Connect the dots with the extended-match question type.


Extended Match Example

You can add and edit this type of question through the normal UI.


Repeatio supports styling with Markdown and HTML for the following elements: title, help and answerOptions.
Try to always style these elements with Markdown first and only use HTML if markdown doesn't have the desired effect.
This is for example the case if you want to use css, escape the default styling or have multiple line breaks.

Line Breaks

Line breaks in markdown can be archived by hitting the enter key.

Type Markdown HTML Result
Single line break Top Text
New line
Top Text <br /> New line Top Text
New line
Multiple line break Text broken[1]
into multiple lines
Text broken <br /><br />into multiple lines Text broken

into multiple lines

[1]: Notice how there are two blank spaces!

Emphasis (strong, italic, strikethrough, code, underline)
Type Markdown HTML Result
strong **text** <b>text</b> text
italic *text* or _text_ <i>text</i> text
strong and italic ***text*** <b><i>text</i></b> text
strikethrough ~~text~~ <s>text</s> text
code `text` <code>text</code> text
underline <u>text</u> text
Ignoring Markdown formatting

Use backslashes to ignore the markdown syntax.

Input Result
This \*text is unaffected\* by markdown

This *text is unaffected* by markdown


You can use unordered and ordered lists.

Type Markdown HTML Result
Unordered List
some text...

- First unordered item
- Another item
- Last item

Text outside list
some text...
  <li>First unordered item</li>
  <li>Another item</li>
  <li>Last item</li>
Text outside list

some text...

  • First unordered list item
  • Another item
  • Last item

Text outside list

Ordered List
some text...

1. First ordered item
2. Another item
3. Last item

Text outside list
some text...
  <li>First ordered list item</li>
  <li>Another item</li>
  <li>Last item</li>
Text outside list

some text...

  1. First ordered list item
  2. Another item
  3. Last item

Text outside list

To exit a list in markdown you have to add a blank line between the list and the following content or add two to blank spaces at the end of the last list item

Unordered list in markdown can use asterisks (*), minuses (-) or pluses (+).


Markdown HTML Result
some text

| Heading 1 | Heading 2 |
| --------- | :-------: |
| Item 1    |  Item 2   |
| Item 3    |  Item 4   |

Text outside table 
some text...
    <th>Heading 1</th>
    <th style="text-align:center">Heading 2</th>
    <td>Item 1</td>
    <td style="text-align:center">Item 2</td>
    <td>Item 3</td>
    <td style="text-align:center">Item 4</td>
Text outside table 
some text
Heading 1 Heading 2
Item 1 Item 2
Item 3 Item 4

Text outside table

Use the following syntax below the heading to align items in a markdown table:

  • left (| :------- |) is optional as it is identical to | ------- |
  • center (| :-------: |)
  • right (| -------: |)

Display images by adding !, wrapping the alt text inside [] and then wrapping the link for the image in parentheses ().

Markdown HTML Result
  alt="md" />

Use inline css in combination with html to style an element.

Input Result
This text is unaffected
<p style="color: lightblue; font-weight: 700">I am blue</p>

Using html elements may overwrite the default styling!

Math (LaTeX)

Repeatio uses LaTeX to render mathematical functions.
Write the function inside two dollar signs ($).

Input Result
$x =\frac{\sqrt{20}}{3\times(5-10)^2}$

$x =\frac{\sqrt{20}}{3\times(5-10)^2}$

Here is a detailed guide.

Delete Question

To delete a question click on the trash icon.


There is no undo functionality and no confirm dialog. The question will be deleted immediately!

Bookmarked Questions

Bookmark a question to later only train with them.

Add a question to the bookmarked list

  1. Click on the bookmark icon in the question
  2. Inside the module click on Start > inside Bookmarked Questions

Train Bookmarked Questions

Remove a question from the bookmarked list

  1. To remove a question from being bookmarked click on the icon again

Export bookmarked Questions

If you want to view your bookmarked questions on a different device or browser you need to export them.

  1. In the module you want to export the bookmarked questions click on the 3 dots () inside Bookmarked Questions
  2. Now click on Export

3. The browser will either prompt you to choose a file location or download the file directly to the default download folder

Import bookmarked Questions

If you want to view your bookmarked questions on a different device or browser you need to export them.

  1. In the module you want to import the bookmarked questions click on the 3 dots () inside Bookmarked Questions
  2. Now click on Import

3. A new window should open where you can choose the file

Clear bookmarked Questions

Use these steps to reset your bookmarked questions.

  1. In the module you want to clear the bookmarked questions click on the 3 dots () inside Bookmarked Questions
  2. Now click on Delete

Editing raw JSON

Some question types and features can't yet be used through the UI. Instead users are required to edit the raw JSON file.

Some general tips:

  • Fields can not be empty (provide an empty string instead)
  • Option fields for a question can be left out, but remember to remove the whole property (key-value pair)
  • Normal quotes don't work ("text") use unicode U+201E/U+201C instead („text“) or escape the string like this \"text\"
  • .json key-value properties have to be separated by a comma from the next one
  • The .json key value (left side of a property) has to be a string


These scripts are only for developers.

Clone Repository
git clone
Install dependencies
yarn install

You may need to install yarn first.

Start local server


yarn start

We use Cypress and Jest (in combination with React testing library) for testing. Cypress is used for e2e and component testing while Jest only supports component testing. Please you Cypress instead of Jest if you know how to use it.

Cypress (with UI):

yarn test:cy
yarn cypress open

Cypress (headless):

yarn cypress run --browser chrome
yarn cypress run --browser chrome --component
yarn cypress run --browser chrome && yarn cypress run --browser chrome --component


yarn test
yarn test --watchAll

Build website:

yarn build

Serve build locally:

yarn serve