Download and install Internet-Check-v1.6.4.Setup.msi from below.
There is no need to uninstall the last version when updating.
New Features:
- Implemented Advanced Settings into the application (#91)
- Created Form for pinging custom servers (#100)
- Added Option to disable update notifications (#101)
- Added ability to restarted collecting if certain settings change (#107)
- Added option to double check Google servers when using custom servers (#110)
- Enabled Funding (#114)
- Added running .exe after install (#115)
- Added Status Banner (#95) (Thanks @big610)
- Implemented ability to update from the Application (#72)
- Changed install location from [LocalAppDataFolder] to [ProgramFilesFolder] (#84)
- Moved connection_issues.txt from [LocalAppDataFolder] to [MyDocuments] to be more accessible (#84)
- Added Error if user wants to edit task scheduler settings but doesn't have admin privileges (#133)
- Implemented resetting incorrect settings users previous settings (#131)
Bug Fixes:
- Added missing "Run as administrator" to Desktop Icon (#96) (Thanks @big610)
- Fixed crash when custom server list is empty (#109)
- Fixed new forms pausing UI thread (#92)
- Fixed Heading in README not being optimized for GitHub Dark Theme (#112) (Thanks @finnole12)
- Fixed .InstallState not being removed on uninstall (#119)
- Fixed Update removing Desktop Icon (#116)
- Added Status Banner to alternative ping method (#120)
- Fixed missing AddRemoveProgramsIcon for Setup (#118)
- Fixed Unistaller not removing files (#126)
- Implemented "Start with Windows" being dependent on existence in Task scheduler not users settings (#127)
- Fixed System Tray Icon not being disposed (#136)
- Fixed Uninstaller not removing update folder (#125)
- Fixed Errors being displayed for too short if there are multiple errors in settings (#138)
- Updated out of date preview picture in README (#139)
Code Changes:
- Moved Code from Form1.userSettings1 to AppSettings.cs (#94)
- Changed minimum interval from 5 seconds to 1 second (#97) (Thanks @big610)
- Changed automatic labelNaming when adding servers (#130)
- Changed error displaying in settings from individual methods to single one that handles all error displaying (#137)
Know Issues:
When updating all previous recorded pings will be lost
When updating all settings defined in AdvancedSettings.xml will be lost
When updating "Start with Windows" will be reset to false because the path of the application changed. Simply tick the check box again.
Please Remember to backup connection_issues.txt! Issues and Bugs can reported under the "Issues" tab on GitHub.