- This web application is use to keep track of your notes, which includes Title, Description and Images if necessary
- In this application we have use Authentication to only let authenticate User to access there Notes and make changes if needed
- With CRUD operation I have also learned Hashing certain Data (password)
- Also JWT (JSON web token) for creating session token to let a certain User be active for certain timeframe
- and if the timeframes is over then they automatically gets LogOut, also maily for Authentication and authorization.
- This project is Responsive as Well (I have not focused too much on UI since my main target was to learn certain thing)
- I have also Learned and Use testing (for API i used Postman) and (for backend i used Jest)
- Open vscode
- create a folder
- Open terminal and use (git clone) followed by the cloning http link
- Open terminal
- cd backend (npm install) here we have install all the necessary packages for the backend
- now go to frontend folder and run the same command (npm install)
- installed necessary packages ( npm install or npm i)
- Open terminal
- to go backend folder (cd backend )
- run the backend use ( node server.js) this runs the backend server.js file to start the server
- make sure to install (Node.js, MongoDB Compass for database)
- I have used react Vite...cause it is really fast and efficient as compare to legacy create-react-app ( in my opinion)
- Now split the terminal because we dont want to close the backend server keep that running.
- go to the frontend folder and run ( npm run dev )