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Introducing Alpha Preview 2! (v0.0.171.0)

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@josephbeattie josephbeattie released this 08 Mar 21:33
· 1425 commits to main-(insider_bloom) since this release

This is may be our last preview before Rise Media Player Alpha 1, so please please please submit as much feedback as you can!

This preview includes a taste of EVEN MORE of the features we are going to be including in the Alpha releases of Rise Media Player! We're so excited to show you them, and we hope you are excited too!

SIDE NOTE: We are looking for contributors to help maintain and work on Rise Media Player! Let us know on Discord if you're interested, or just submit a pull request. Images seen in this post are from in development builds of Alpha Preview 2. Features or UI may have been changed prior to release.

What’s new? (Big features)

Now Playing

  • There is now a button on the now playing bar to access your full music queue! See what's up next or what's available in the current album.
  • We now support multiline for song names on all now playing variants, so more of your songs' names can be seen on smaller window sizes.
  • Properties can now be accessed for the current song via any of the now playing bars or windows in the more (…) menu.
  • Added support for accent colours and dark and light themes. The play button now sports your accent colour and the tint of the now playing bar will adjust depending on your Windows mode, so it won't look too dark on light themes. Your accent colour will also show on the previous and forward buttons in now playing.
  • On larger Now Playing sizes, buttons for skip 30 seconds and move back 10 seconds are available, giving you more granual control over your media.

  • Also, we've added a right click flyout for the now playing bar, so when right clicking your album art, song name or artist name, a flyout will appear with a larger version of your album art; more space for song title and artist names, and buttons to access your current album and artist.

  • Brand new UI for the Now Playing mini player! We love it and can't wait for you to try it! Smoother animations, stronger WinUI influence and more features, like properties.

  • Oh and just one more thing, a brand new now playing page. This is a feature we've been meaning to add for a while. It is still in early stages so please submit your opinions, thoughts and feedback! You can access it using the all new full screen mode, or single click your album/video art and info.

Media Library

  • We've added the horizontal tiles option to the Albums page! See more albums at once and have more control over UI. See below.

- You can now open your songs in file explorer! Select 'Open file location' from the file tab in Song info, or right click your song and choose 'Open in File Explorer. - Album art is now shown on Playlist and Artist songs pages.
  • Even more work on indexing to make it more stable and reliable from @YourOrdinaryCat (A whole new backend is coming soon which will be much faster and incredibly stable).
  • Playlists are more functional and you can now edit the properties of your playlists, from the title and description to the icon.


  • All new UI! We've made Settings fill the entire window to make sure that we can fit all the new options we're planning to add without it feeling too cramped. The classic sidebar is back and each page now has subpages so you can sort through your settings easier than ever! Note: The old dialog can still be accessed from the more menu (...) in the new settings page. It is incredibly unstable at this point in time and we don't recommend using it.
  • We heard in feedback that people felt like the scanning page didn't fit the app, and we've listened. Now the scanning page is a part of the Media library settings area, and it has even more options!

  • New folders area. We've moved the folders area in settings to have it's own page, with the ability to show both your music and video folders at once, so you can manage easier.

QoL Improvements

  • The connected devices page has been removed. It will return in a later version.
  • The queue option on the sidebar has been removed. You can access the queue (and its old function - Now Playing) from the Now Playing Bar.
  • You now have the option to open RiseMP on startup!
  • Portuguese is now supported for Brazil (in some areas).
  • The insider wallpapers are now stored online, rather than in the app itself, so you won't be wasting disk space.
  • An option to 'Open folder location' has been added to lists for library folders
  • You can now add folders directly from almost every page, meaning you don't need to browse settings.
  • We can’t even count the number of bug fixes in this build. It is significantly smoother and more stable, with less crashes than ever! We encourage you to look for bugs and crashes, report them via feedback, and try and fix them yourself or we’ll look into them.

Known issues

  • The new settings UI does not currently have any SizeChanged events, meaning that the UI will not adapt to window sizes and you can't access settings on small window sizes. We recommend you keep settings on larger window sizes for now only.
  • Liked playlists may take an app restart to refresh.
  • Rearranging playlists very quickly can cause a crash. If you want to rearrange, do with care! :)