Freely available open source game engine designed in the similar way as Unity and based on Stride. The whole codebase is licensed under MIT license.
Create game engine with requirements:
- Support most popular platforms: Win64, OSX64, OSX-ARM, Linux64, Android/iOS
- Run on .NET 8
- Use Vulkan, OpenGL API
- Custom shader language compiled to SPIR-V
- Entity Component System (Arch)
- Serialization & InputSystem is based on the Stride Engine (fe4aa87cdac41ca7ec45cd26660fd5d8c9632944)
- Silk.NET
- Consider using Nuke.GlobalTool as build tool
- Serilog
- Arch ECS
- YAML serialization/deserialization
- Image loading and font rendering
- Models Loader Silk.NET Assimp
- YAML Serializer/Deserializer
- Use Jolt Physics for both 2D and 3D
- Input System based on Stride Engine
- Unity YAML serialization format
- Model loading
- Jolt Physics example
Consider replacing UI.State with Signal implementation
Explicitly use RootNamespace
Generic interface for wrapping Vulkan & OpenGL
Rendering Pipelines
- Forward/Deferred rendering
- Anti-aliasing; FXAA -
Addressable (bundling)
2D/3D Physics (Jolt)
Shader compilation system
- Reword to use Irony
PBR/BSDF shader program
Canvas component which renders ImGui into separate framebuffer
Image resize/optimization library
Model loading (Assimp)
Mesh, MeshFilter, MeshRenderer
Support most common image formats as imports
Create wrappers around the ImageSharp library and others as well
Prefabs & Prefab Variants (format, serialize/deserialize)
Script/AsyncScript (EC way to script object instead of using systems)
Create special method to be called after deserialization of an object
Metadata and some sort of FileId and VFS to resolve files by ID instead of their real location
Importers for importing .meta files and creating "Editor" objects
Build pipeline for exporting assets, bundling them, compressing by LZ4 or other format and creating a whole executable
Custom serialization library which can handle self referencing files by replacing references by {FileId:...} "structs"
Create some interfaces to make it possible to switch between OpenGL, WEbGL and Vulkan API
CI/CD builds (also release nightly build)
Generate API documentation
Load prefabs as entities in special EditorWorld ECS and then copy them to scene if used. Should this be done also for instantiating GameObjects at runtime?
- Linking of assets. We should be able to link Mesh to MeshFilter class which should be represented as special reference in the editor (.meta files) but it's a regular object instance in C#
AssetImporter base class extended for Editor and Runtime
Editor one will use *Importers
Runtime one will import assets from bundles
Game build system
Pie menu in Editor when pressing space
3D cursor for adding new objects in editor
GamePad/GameController input
Load multiple mice/keyboards
Application is split into three main parts. Core, Editor and Platform. Editor is not bundled to game instance during the build.
User API for interactions with the engine.
Provides Internal interfaces to Core and Editor for interacting with low level stuff such as OpenGL, GLFW or ImGui (for Editor only?).
Editor implements loading/saving of projects, compiling shaders (HLSL) with ShaderC to SPIR-V.
How MeshRenderer assigns materials to submeshes of a mesh?
How are meshes and submeshes loaded and stored? Should they be loaded right into the VertexBuffer and IndexBuffer and removed from the memory?
How UV mapping work?
How to instantiate GameObject into the Scene?
How to load whole project with assets, scenes and wire it up in the Editor?
ShaderImporter --(ShaderCompiler)-> Shader
ShaderImporter (Editor only) should be triggered each time *.shader file is changed.
It passes shader file down to shader compiler and creates/updates Shader object cache file for spirv and reflections (single file, messagepack?)
During build, shaders are rebuilt with release configuration and packed according to asset pack configuration
During runtime initialization shaders are loaded from compiled spirv+reflection data file
- cache directory: $PROJECT/Cache/Shaders/<SHADER_NAME>-<SHADER_METADATA_ID>/<SHADER_FILE_HASH>.bin
- When and how to load metadata files?
- Should they be deserialized info ShaderImporter class?
- Or create default metadata serializable POCO class?