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Its a hackathon project (SYND iNNOVATION) Agent app to sell the product of banking company

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It an hackathon project. An app for the sales agent to sell the products to the customer as Referral Marketing & Affiliate Marketing

A person(our present customer, student, retired employee, part-time worker, freelancer, unemployed person, etc) can register freely and whenever he/she bring a new customer/deal for the bank he/she will get a commission/reward points which can be encashed.

This idea is the automation of how insurance Companies works for generating leads through Agents, we can set different percentage of commissions/reward points for different products(like housing loans, current accounts etc)

The App should have easy Signup process(through Social Sign Up options like Facebook, Google LinkedIn etc or signup through mobile number & OTP verification) & Not a lengthy Form, after signup, he can access his dashboard with different products for referral like Saving Account, Credit Card, Housing Loan, Personal Loan, Insurance Policy etc. After successful conversion of lead his dashboard should display 1 lead converted and his credit/reward points credited with an option to transfer money in his/her account.

The app should have 2 interface/versions one for Bank/Admin & other for Agent/User. Admin should have previlidge to add,delete and modify Products & Set Commission/Points for each of the products, track lead generation & conversion from users. Admin should also have previlidge to provide bonus to users in case of certain achievements (like 100 leads converted, then 500 leads converted...)

On conversion of successful leads milestones (Like 100 leads, 500 leads, 1000 leads) the user should get Badges for Level 1 Partner, Lever 2 Partner & Top Level Partner. (Editable by Admin)

On conversion of 100 successful leads milestone the user get automatic Verified Tick with his/her name(like Facebook) this milestone value for verification tick can be editable by Admin.

Link for the demostration of this project :

some overview of the application:

User side:

Admin side:

Firebase database rules:

{ "rules":{

    "$uid": {        
      ".read": "auth.uid != null ",
      ".write": "auth.uid == $uid || auth == 'UID'",
  "$ProductId" : {
      ".read": "auth.uid == $uid",
      ".write": "auth.uid == $uid",
"Product"  :{
    ".read": "auth.uid != null",
    ".write": "auth.uid == 'UID'"

} }


Its a hackathon project (SYND iNNOVATION) Agent app to sell the product of banking company






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