A small collection of utilities for transforming text.
abbreviation: | Very simple script that adds periods for abbriviations. nasa => N.A.S.A. |
list-numbered: | Makes lines into a numbered list. |
titlecase: | Make text titlecase. |
wraplist78: | Wraps lists to 78 characters. Requires pandoc. |
and clause-join
are useful if you write hard-wrapped paragraphs with newlines at breaks between clauses.
Given the following (which is very easy to type and version-control):
the cat, which was not mine but my brother's, lay on the bed. the dog, which was my father's, lay in the corner. I didn't like my family but I liked the pets.
will produce this:
The cat, which was not mine but my brother's, lay on the bed. The dog, which was my father's, lay in the corner. I didn't like my family but I liked the pets.