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domer CI/CD npm

A library to build DOM faster.


Add to your project using :

npm i @riadh-adrani/domer



Used to set libraries configuration.

function setConfig(config: LibraryConfig): void;

You can reset by calling setConfig() without an object.


Create a DOM element.

function element<T = Element>(tag: string, props: CreateElementProps, children: Array<unknown>): T;
  • tag : element tag.
  • props : object containing attributes and events to be added.
  • children : an array of elements which will be appended as children.

to change namespace, use ns with the desired value as prop. default to HTML.

accepts any children: if it is a Node, it will be appended directly, otherwise, a Text node will be created.

applies class transformation by default.

applies event transformation by default.


create a Text node by transforming data to a string.

function text(data?: unknown): Text;


add an event listener to an element.

function setEventListener(
  key: string,
  event: string,
  value: unknown,
  element: Element,
  modifiers?: Array<EventModifier>,
): void;
  • key : a unique identifier of the event.
  • event : event name like click, input ...etc
  • value : usually an event callback. In case of other value, an empty callback will be added instead.
  • element : target element.
  • modifiers : an array of all modifiers to be applied. modifiers will be applied in order.

stores the event's callback inside the element itself in field called __events__ using key, so it can be later used by removeEventListener.

use key to register multiple event listener for the same event, like click1 and click2.


remove event listener by its key and event name.

function setEventListener(key: string, event: string, element: Element): void;
  • key : a unique identifier of the event.
  • event : event name like click, input ...etc
  • element : target element.


add an attribute to an element.

function setAttribute(attr: string, value: unknown, el: Element): void;

style attribute accept both an object and string.

toggle attributes will be forced depending on the result of Boolean(value).


removes an attribute from an element.

function setAttribute(attr: string, el: Element): void;


insert node within a parent in a given position.

function insertNode(node: Node, parent: Node, position?: number): void;

appends node at the end if position is invalid


change node position within its parent.

function changeNodePosition(node: Node, position: number): void;

appends node at the end if position is invalid


remove node from the DOM.

function removeNode(node: Node): void;


update Text content.

function setText(data: unknown, node: Text): void;



convert an attribute to a DOM property, or camelcase it otherwise.

function attrToProp(attr: string): string;


extract event details from a prop name.

function extractEventDetails(
  prop: string,
): { event: string; modifiers: Array<EventModifier> } | false;

update config to control which event prop should be accepted.


// invalid
extractEventDetails('click') == false;

// react style
extractEventDetails('onClick') == { event: 'click', modifiers: [] };

// svelte style
extractEventDetails('on:click') == { event: 'click', modifiers: [] };

// vue style
extractEventDetails('@click') == { event: 'click', modifiers: [] };

// with modifiers
extractEventDetails('@click-stop-prevent') == { event: 'click', modifiers: ['stop', 'prevent'] };


check if the given prop is a class related prop.

function isClassProp(prop: string): boolean;

update config to control which class prop should be accepted.


// invalid
isClassProp('click') == false;

// class
isClassProp('class') == true;

// className
isClassProp('className') == true;

// class directive
isClassProp('class:test') == true;


resolve class props and return the final class string.

function resolveClassProps(props: Array<{ value: unknown; key: string }>): string;

accepts an array of objects containg the following keys:

  • value : the value of the property. could be a string, an Array<string> or a boolean with class directive.
  • key : the property/attribute key, like class, className or class:*.

the props will be sorted in the order : class > className > class:*.



enum Namespace {
  SVG = '',
  HTML = '',
  MATH = '',


const EventModifiers = ['stop', 'prevent', 'self', 'capture', 'once', 'passive'] as const;


interface CreateElementProps extends Record<string, unknown> {
  ns?: string;


type EventModifier = (typeof EventModifiers)[number];


type EventHandler = (e: Event) => void;


interface LibraryConfig {
  events?: {
    wrapper?: (event: Event, callback: EventHandler) => void;
    syntax?: {
      vue?: boolean;
      svelte?: boolean;
      react?: boolean;
  attributes?: {
    class?: {
      directive?: boolean;
      className?: boolean;
  • events

    • wrapper : add a wrapper for all inserted event callbacks.
    • syntax
      • vue : allow vue-style event like @click when creating an element. true by default.
      • svelte : allow svelte-style event like on:click when creating an element. true by default.
      • react : allow react-style event like onClick when creating an element. true by default.
  • attributes

    • class
      • directive : allow class directive. a prop with class:test with a value of true will be evaluated to class of value test. true by default.
      • className : allow className value to be appended to the class attribute. true by default.


interface ElementWithEvents extends Element {
  __events__: Record<string, EventHandler>;