A curated list of awesome retro game development and reverse engineering resources, tools, docs, related projects all in an easy to use 'github pages' website. https://www.retroreversing.com/
- Games with Debug Symbols
- Development Kits (Hardware)
- Software Development Kits
- Games Source Code
- Game Engines
- Game File Formats
- Game Console Hardware Architecture
- Nintendo Entertainment System
- Nintendo Game Boy
- Nintendo 64
- Nintendo Gamecube (Dolphin)
- Nintendo Wii
- Nintendo 3DS
- Nintendo WiiU
If you are looking to contribute but don't know where to start here are a few examples of posts that are up for grabs.
- TUME Map Editor - https://games.greggman.com/game/tume___the_universal_map_editor/
- Game Genie Guy - https://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=17595.40
- Psy-Q CD Emulation Systems - https://web.archive.org/web/19970709125031/http://www.snsys.com:80/
- Deluxe Paint IV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=973fiFaSXqw (source code: http://www.computerhistory.org/atchm/electronic-arts-deluxepaint-early-source-code/)
- Aladdin Source Code - https://gamehistory.org/aladdin-source-code/
- SNASM2 PCI card - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zb2928JnKEg (https://assemblergames.com/threads/problems-installing-snasm2-pci-card.43990/page-5)
- Cross Products development kit for sega saturn - https://segaretro.org/Cross_Products
- Cross Products vs Psy-Q (SN Systems) - https://archive.org/stream/EDGE.N023.1995.08/EDGE.N023.1995.08-Escapade#page/n53/mode/2up/search/%22SN+Systems%22
- SN64 DEV KIT - https://web.archive.org/web/19970709125031/http://www.snsys.com:80/ Also - https://web.archive.org/web/19970709125031/http://www.snsys.com:80/
- Neon64: NES emulator for N64! - https://hcs64.com/neon64.html
- Book review of "Programming the Cell Processor" and Comparison of open source tools to SN Systems sdk here - https://archive.org/stream/GDM_February_2009#page/n39/mode/2up/search/%22SN+Systems%22
- Animal Crossing NES emulator - https://jamchamb.github.io/2018/07/11/animal-crossing-nes-emulator-hacks.html
- Klik & Play - https://web.archive.org/web/19990220223721/http://www.emf.net:80/%7Emikep/Knp/KNP.html
- Rebel Assault - https://github.com/Fortyseven/RA_1993
- 3DS Emulation in C++ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qGksJWsfow
- Jak and Daxter - http://www.codersnotes.com/notes/disassembling-jak/
- Video game Science - https://www.reddit.com/r/videogamescience/
- SegaRetro - https://segaretro.org
- Ultra64.ca - http://ultra64.ca
- Codeshop articles in Edge magazine (Aus)
- Super Famicom Development Wiki - https://wiki.superfamicom.org
- N64 Cart Images @ James S' Kingdom - https://sites.google.com/site/jamesskingdom/Home/electronics-by-james-s/inside-manufactured-products/nintendo-64-hardware-exposed
We only embed high-quality youtube videos related to the technical achievements in retro video games, here are some of the youtube channels we would like to support:
- Game Hut - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfVFSjHQ57zyxajhhRc7i0g
- KimJustice - Kim Justice - YouTube
- Modern Vintage Gamer - Modern Vintage Gamer - YouTube
- MrMario2011 - MrMario2011 - YouTube
- Hard4Games - Hard4Games - YouTube
- Video Game Story Time - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLWh30LMdJZam_4SKWuq0dA