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Releases: ReportCardsMC/SKNoise

Miscellaneous update for newer skript version

08 Jun 19:20
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This updates the skript version.

Full Changelog: 1.0...1.0.1

skNoise | Official 1.0 Release!

10 Nov 04:57
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Update 1.0

This update is a complete recode of skNoise, bringing in a new way to handle generators, more ways to edit a generator and its values

Generators are now actually an object compared to constructing the entire generator through one line.
You can save a generator to a variable now as well!

Here's a quick example of creating a new generator, editing some values, and using it:

command /noise:
        set {_gen} to new simplex generator with seed 42069
        set frequency of {_gen} to 0.01 # Essentially a zoom value
        set {_value} to abs(value of {_gen} at player)
        if {_value} < 0.5:
            set block at player to black concrete
            set block at player to white concrete

Alongside this new format for generators, there's also a new type of generator,
which is the Value generator.

This generator allows you to essentially create a seeded random number generator, for example:

command /random:
        set {_g} to new value generator with seed 1
        set frequency of {_g} to 1 # Setting to 1 makes it that each value obtained from different locations is completely different
        set {_val} to abs(value of {_g} at player)
        send "Random Number: %{_val}%"

You can also do a lot more to Cellular (Voronoi) generators, such as setting its jitter (how the points are spread), return type, and changing the distance function used.

Here's a quick example of how you'd get the cell values now:

command /cellvalue:
        set {_g} to new voronoi generator with seed 1
        set voronoi return type of {_g} to CellValue
        set {_val} to abs(value of {_g} at player)
        send "Cell Value: %{_val}%"

And yes, the average expression still exists ;)

SKNoise | Voronoi noise fix

09 Jun 05:50
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Yeah, this update fixes Voronoi noise being completely broken and not returning a value.

(I'm tired so like it's not formatted here)

SKNoise | Octaves Fix

28 May 21:08
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NOTICE Skript's 2.6-alpha1 update changed a lot of API things, I've looked into it already and don't believe these changes will ruin anything with this addon.

This is a minor version, nothing much was changed other than a fix that multiple people had an issue with. If you'd like to suggest something to add go ahead and create a pull request and/or an issue!

SKNoise | Voronoi Noise

21 Apr 22:39
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  • Voronoi:
    [sknoise] voronoi [noise] at [x] %number%[,] [[y] %-number%[(,|[,] and) [z] %-number%]] [with cell values]
    [sknoise] voronoi [noise] at (loc|location) %location% [with cell values]

    Get's the voronoi noise at a location, voronoi noise in simple words is a plot of distance between points. (Wiki)

    Big Example:

command /set:
        set {_l} to location of player
        set {_ogL} to location of player
        loop 100 times:
            loop 100 times:
                set {_value} to voronoi noise at ((x-coord of {_l}) / 2), (z-coord of {_l} / 2)
                if {_value} >= 0.5:
                    set block at {_l} to white concrete
                    set block at {_l} to black concrete
                add 1 to x-coord of {_l}
            add 1 to z-coord of {_l}
            set x-coord of {_l} to x-coord of {_ogL}```

SKNoise | Normalized + bStats relocation

18 Mar 02:03
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SKNoise 0.1.6

This relocates where bStats is.

New Patterns

In both of the noise effects, if you put normalized before the effect, it'll be the normalized version of the noise, basically meaning it clamps the values to stay between -1 and 1.
EX: normalized perlin noise at location {_loc}

SKNoise | bStats, Optimized Dependencies, and Syntax Changes

13 Mar 04:29
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SKNoise 0.1.5

This update brings to the table bStats to allow me to view overall statistics of plugin usage better. Optimizing dependencies (Knocked down the file size down to ~42kb (Old: ~2.7mb)!). And some small syntax changes (But will break some syntax, sorry :})

New Syntax

Perlin Noise

[sknoise] perlin [noise] at [x] %number%[,] [[y] %-number%[(,|[,] and) [z] %-number%]] [(1¦with octaves %-integer%[,] frequency %-number%(,|[,] and) amplitude %-number%)]

[sknoise] perlin [noise] at [(loc|location)] %location% [(1¦with octaves %-integer%[,] frequency %-number%(,|[,] and) amplitude %-number%)]

Simplex Noise

[sknoise] simplex [noise] at [x] %number%[,] [[y] %-number%[(,|[,] and) [z] %-number%]] [(1¦with octaves %-integer%[,] frequency %-number%(,|[,] and) amplitude %-number%)]

[sknoise] simplex [noise] at [(loc|location)] %location% [(1¦with octaves %-integer%[,] frequency %-number%(,|[,] and) amplitude %-number%)]

EDIT (3/13/2020) Fixed the syntax mistake :)

SKNoise | Small fix. Nerd.

09 Mar 05:23
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[Perlin|Simplex Seed] Fixed error in syntax not allowing you to use the x,y,z piece of it. (Ex: x %number% didn't work, but %number% did for the x input)

SKNoise | Octaves, Frequency, and Amplitude 👀

27 Feb 02:51
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SKNoise 0.1.3

This update adds support for octaves, frequency, and amplitude parameters inside of Bukkit's noise generators. Along with a few minor bug fixes!

Perlin/Simplex Noise (Updated)

Patterns [sknoise] (perlin|simplex) noise [at] [x ]%number%[, ][[y ]%number%[, ][[z ]%number%]] [(1¦with octaves %-integer%[,] frequency %-number%[,] [and] amplitude %-number%)]
[sknoise] (perlin|simplex) noise [at] %location% [(1¦with octaves %-integer%[,] frequency %-number%[,] [and] amplitude %-number%)]
Information Added support for Octaves, Frequency, and Amplitude parameters inside of Bukkit's noise generators.

Perlin/Simplex Seed (Updated)

Information Was fixed again in main branch to return a single value and not a list.

SKNoise | Uh Oh Seed Go List HAHA BRRRRRR

26 Feb 06:22
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I forgot to change the plugin version in the files, will still appear as 0.1

SKNoise 0.1.2

This version of SKNoise fixes seeds returning lists


Seed (Updated)

Made seed's return a single value instead of a list, this is dumb yeah I know but it's a fix I had to do because I'm dumb as heck