S.C.A.L.U stands for Server Creation And Launching Util
I want to create an application that can be used through code (like an api) or by and for humans, to manage and launch server.
This app will help developers of game such as Minecraft to manage the creation of server. This means that they will be able to setup blueprints of server and then ask SCALU to create one and launch it. Obviously you can make thousands of copy of the same blueprints, the real limit is your hosting server.
If you provide multiples blueprints to SCALU, you will be able to select any through code. Also, if you can launch a server we will be able to close it to, that's why SCALU will provide a tracking of your launched servers.
- Web Management
- Multiple Game Management
- Parameters (Being able to replace some placeholder in the blueprint)
- Create Server
- Launch Server
- Managing Blueprints
- Server Tracking
- Nothing Yet