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Rem0o edited this page Feb 20, 2023 · 8 revisions

Fan Control supports plugins to inject sensors and controls into the software from external sources.

Example: and



You must implement the interface with the following members:

  1. Name ( string )
  2. Initialize()
  3. Load( container )
  4. Close()

The life-cycle of the plugin is as follow:

Initialize => Load => Close.

These methods should be able to be called in this order any number of times without any side-effect or undisposed resources. The load method gets passed a "container" object which contains different lists for your sensors to be added.

You may (optional) inject the following in your plugin's constructor:

  • IPluginDialog: Let you invoke a message dialog to the user
  • IPluginLogger: Let you write in the error log file.


New implementation that inherits IPlugin and adds

  1. Update()

Use this method if you want a single hook to update all your sensors from a single method instead of updating from every sensor.


A sensor has the following members

  1. Id
  2. Name
  3. Value
  4. Update()

The Update method is called internally by the FanControl backend every update cycle, which right now is 1 Hz. Update the value of your sensor in that method from whatever source you are using.

IPluginControlSensor (inherits IPluginSensor)

A control sensor controls sets a value to a fan ( or whatever else ) from a fan curve. That value is between 0 and 100.

A sensor has the following methods

  1. Set( val )
  2. Reset()

The Set( val ) method should activate your control and apply the value to it. The Reset() method is called when the control is disabled and should return back to its default state.