Overwatch 2 ShuffleKeys Replication POC
This won't work out of the box for everyone, since it doesn't handle every possible shuffle keys permutation correctly from my testing, but I have no use for it anymore, and haven't for nearly a year. I tested it on the latest Overwatch 2 version as of today, which is, but they'll be moving away from this in the future at some point, so I felt like I may as well share it.
I leave fixing it if your specific shufflekeys doesn't work as an exercise for you.
Please note that allocating an RWX region internally using a plain call to VirtualAlloc is likely a bad idea, but this is just a PoC. There is no real risk to doing this externally if you don't open a handle to the game, and just copy the function into your program's own RWX region and patch it within there, internally you'll likely want to be a bit more discrete.
Below is a general diagram with an analysis of what we have to patch.