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PostgreSQL and Greenplum job scheduler pg_task allows to execute any sql command at any specific time at background asynchronously


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PostgreSQL and Greenplum job scheduler pg_task allows to execute any sql command at any specific time at background asynchronously


shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_task' # add pg_task to shared_preload_libraries


INSERT INTO task (input) VALUES ('SELECT now()'); -- to run sql more quickly use only input
INSERT INTO task (plan, input) VALUES (now() + '5 min':INTERVAL, 'SELECT now()'); -- to run sql after 5 minutes point plan(ned time)
INSERT INTO task (plan, input) VALUES ('2029-07-01 12:51:00', 'SELECT now()'); -- to run sql at specific time point it as plan(ned time)
INSERT INTO task (repeat, input) VALUES ('5 min', 'SELECT now()'); -- to repeat sql every 5 minutes point repeat( interval)
INSERT INTO task (input) VALUES ('SELECT 1/0'); -- exception is catched and writed in error as text
INSERT INTO task (group, max, input) VALUES ('group', 1, 'SELECT now()'); -- if some group needs concurently run only 2 parallel sqls then use max = 1
INSERT INTO task (group, max, input) VALUES ('group', 2, 'SELECT now()'); -- if in this group there are more sqls and they are executing concurently by 2 then passing max = 2 will execute sql as more early in this group (it is like priority)
INSERT INTO task (input, remote) VALUES ('SELECT now()', 'user=user host=host'); -- to run sql on remote database use remote

pg_task creates the following GUCs:

Name Type Default Level Description
pg_task.delete bool true config, database, user, session Auto delete task when both output and error are nulls
pg_task.drift bool false config, database, user, session Compute next repeat time by stop time instead by plan time
pg_task.header bool true config, database, user, session Show columns headers in output
pg_task.string bool true config, database, user, session Quote only strings
pg_conf.close int 60 * 1000 config, database, superuser Close conf, milliseconds
pg_conf.fetch int 10 config, database, superuser Fetch conf rows at once
pg_conf.restart int 60 config, database, superuser Restart conf interval, seconds
pg_task.count int 0 config, database, user, session Non-negative maximum count of tasks, are executed by current background worker process before exit
pg_task.fetch int 100 config, database, user Fetch task rows at once bigint 0 session Current task id (for read only)
pg_task.limit int 1000 config, database, user Limit task rows at once
pg_task.max int 0 config, database, user, session Maximum count of concurrently executing tasks in group, negative value means pause between tasks in milliseconds int 2147483647 config, database, user, session Maximum count of concurrently executing tasks in work
pg_task.sleep int 1000 config, database, user Check tasks every sleep milliseconds
pg_work.close int 60 * 1000 config, database, superuser Close work, milliseconds
pg_work.fetch int 100 config, database, superuser Fetch work rows at once
pg_work.restart int 60 config, database, superuser Restart work interval, seconds interval 1 hour config, database, user, session Positive period after plan time, when task is active for executing text postgres config Database name for tasks table
pg_task.delimiter char \t config, database, user, session Results columns delimiter
pg_task.escape char config, database, user, session Results columns escape text group config, database, user, session Task grouping by name
pg_task.idle int 60 config, database, user Idle task count
pg_task.json json [{"data":"postgres"}] config Json configuration, available keys: data, reset, schema, table, sleep and user interval 0 sec config, database, user, session Non-negative maximum time of live of current background worker process before exit
pg_task.null text \N config, database, user, session Null text value representation
pg_task.quote char config, database, user, session Results columns quote
pg_task.repeat interval 0 sec config, database, user, session Non-negative auto repeat tasks interval
pg_task.reset interval 1 hour config, database, user Interval of reset tasks
pg_task.schema text public config, database, user Schema name for tasks table
pg_task.table text task config, database, user Table name for tasks table
pg_task.timeout interval 0 sec config, database, user, session Non-negative allowed time for task run
pg_task.user text postgres config User name for tasks table

pg_task creates table with the following columns:

Name Type Nullable? Default Description
id bigserial NOT NULL autoincrement Primary key
parent bigint NULL Parent task id (if exists, like foreign key to id, but without constraint, for performance)
plan timestamptz NOT NULL CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Planned date and time of start
start timestamptz NULL Actual date and time of start
stop timestamptz NULL Actual date and time of stop
active interval NOT NULL Positive period after plan time, when task is active for executing
live interval NOT NULL Non-negative maximum time of live of current background worker process before exit
repeat interval NOT NULL pg_task.repeat Non-negative auto repeat tasks interval
timeout interval NOT NULL pg_task.timeout Non-negative allowed time for task run
count int NOT NULL pg_task.count Non-negative maximum count of tasks, are executed by current background worker process before exit
hash int NOT NULL generated by group and remote Hash for identifying tasks group
max int NOT NULL pg_task.max Maximum count of concurrently executing tasks in group, negative value means pause between tasks in milliseconds
pid int NULL Id of process executing task
state enum state (PLAN, TAKE, WORK, DONE, STOP) NOT NULL PLAN Task state
delete bool NOT NULL pg_task.delete Auto delete task when both output and error are nulls
drift bool NOT NULL pg_task.drift Compute next repeat time by stop time instead by plan time
header bool NOT NULL pg_task.header Show columns headers in output
string bool NOT NULL pg_task.string Quote only strings
delimiter char NOT NULL pg_task.delimiter Results columns delimiter
escape char NOT NULL pg_task.escape Results columns escape
quote char NOT NULL pg_task.quote Results columns quote
data text NULL Some user data
error text NULL Catched error
group text NOT NULL Task grouping by name
input text NOT NULL Sql command(s) to execute
null text NOT NULL pg_task.null Null text value representation
output text NULL Received result(s)
remote text NULL Connect to remote database (if need)

but you may add any needed colums and/or make partitions

by default pg_task runs on default database with default user with default schema with default table with default sleep

to run specific database and/or specific user and/or specific schema and/or specific table and/or specific sleep, set config (in json format)

pg_task.json = '[{"data":"database1"},{"data":"database2","user":"username2"},{"data":"database3","schema":"schema3"},{"data":"database4","table":"table4"},{"data":"database5","sleep":100}]'

if database and/or user and/or schema and/or table does not exist then pg_task create it/their


PostgreSQL and Greenplum job scheduler pg_task allows to execute any sql command at any specific time at background asynchronously








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