In the first termial:
cd Documents/cobot_magic/remote_control_joint_ctrl
./tools/ # all five terminals fine, close them
If you plan to collect data or just teleoperate:
Then, you should press "i" at master1
and master2
terminals to enable teleoperation.
Or if you plan to replay collected data or do model inference:
In the second terminal:
roslaunch astra_camera multi_camera.launch
Open a new terminal:
conda activate aloha
cd Documents/cobot_magic/collect_data
python --compress_image --task_name <TASK_NAME> --max_timesteps <MAX_TIMESTEPS> --episode_idx <EPISODE_IDX>
Argument explanation:
enables the compression of collected images.- <TASK_NAME> should be specific to each task.
- <MAX_TIMESTEPS> is the running steps during data collection. It depends on the length of task horizon. Typically, 30 time steps correspond 1 sec in wall-clock time.
- <EPISODE_IDX> is the index of each collected demo. It starts from 0 and goes like 1, 2, 3, ...
Other notes:
- Use puppet arm states as obs. Observation topic:
- Use master arm states as actions. Action topic:
- The collected data is typically stored in the shape of (num_steps, num_dims)
conda activate aloha
cd Documents/cobot_magic/collect_data
python --task_name <TASK_NAME> --episode_idx <EPISODE_IDX>
Argument explanation:
- <TASK_NAME> should be the same as that specified during data collection.
- <EPISODE_IDX> is the index of the demo you want to visualize.
- The script outputs the joint angle plot as
file and camera image as.mp4
file. They will be stored in the folder./data/<TASK_NAME>/visualization
conda activate aloha
cd Documents/cobot_magic/collect_data
python --task_name <TASK_NAME> --episode_idx <EPISODE_IDX>
Make puppet arms reproduce recorded demo by replaying master arm states. Other data, including image and puppet arm states, can be also replayed.
conda activate aloha
cd Documents/cobot_magic/aloha-devel
python act/ --task_name <TASK_NAME> --num_epochs <NUM_EPOCHS> --num_episodes <NUM_EPISODES> --lr <LEARNING_RATE> --batch_size <BATCH_SIZE> --chunk_size <CHUNK_SIZE> --kl_weight <KL_WEIGHT> --save_periodic_ckpt
Argument explanation:
- <TASK_NAME> should be the same as that specified during data collection.
- <NUM_EPOCHS> is normally between 5000 and 8000, but it depends.
- <NUM_EPISODES> specify how much data is used for training.
- <LEARNING_RATE> and <BATCH_SIZE> are coupled. Normally set as 1e-5 and 8 if training in our aloha server.
- <CHUNK_SIZE> is normally set as 48 in our case.
- <KL_WEIGHT> is normally set as 10 or 100.
enables saving checkpoints every 100 epochs. By default, we disable it considering limited memory.- See ACT tuning tips for more details.
For example:
python act/ --task_name pick_bolt --num_epochs 8000 --num_episodes 50 --lr 1e-5 --batch_size 8 --chunk_size 48 --kl_weight 10
The model will be stored in the folder ./model/<TASK_NAME>_<TIME_STAMP>/
. By default, only the best policy will be saved, i.e., policy_best_epoch_4728_seed_0.ckpt
, where epoch_4728
indicates which epoch generates the best policy.
The important training parameters are summarized in <TASK_NAME>.json
file and <TASK_NAME>.xlsx
conda activate aloha
cd Documents/cobot_magic/aloha-devel
python act/ --temporal_agg --task_name <TASK_NAME>_<TIME_STAMP> --chunk_size <CHUNK_SIZE> --kl_weight <KL_WEIGHT>
Argument explanation:
enables temporal ensembling, resulting in smoother transitions in joint angle changes.- <TASK_NAME> should be the same as that specified during data collection.
- <CHUNK_SIZE> and <KL_WEIGHT> should be the same as that set in training phase.
For example:
python act/ --temporal_agg --task_name slide_ziploc_2024_07_09_05_02_26 --chunk_size 48 --kl_weight 10
In the first terminal:
In the second terminal:
conda activate aloha
python ~/Documents/aloha_sim_ws/src/mobile_aloha_sim/aloha_mujoco/aloha/scripts/
In the third terminal:
python act/ --task_name transfer_cube --temporal_agg
In the fourth terminal:
python --simulation --frame_rate 30 --task_name transfer_cube --episode_idx 60
General tips:
- Chunk size is the most important param to tune when applying ACT to a new environment. One chunk should correspond to ~1 secs wall-clock robot motion. In our case, the default value of chunk size is 32, which meets this requirement.
- High KL weight (10 or 100), or train without CVAE encoder.
- Consider removing temporal_agg and increase query frequency here to be the same as your chunk size. I.e. each chunk is executed fully.
- train for very long (well after things plateaus, see picture)
- Try to increase batch size as much as possible, and increase lr accordingly. E.g. batch size 64 with learning rate 5e-5 versus batch size 8 and learning rate 1e-5
- Have separate backbones for each camera (requires changing the code, see this commit)
- L1 loss > L2 loss (not precise enough)
- Abs position control > delta/velocity control (harder to recover)
- Try multiple checkpoints
For real-world experiments:
- Train for even longer (5k - 8k steps, especially if multi-camera)
- If inference is too slow -> robot moving slowly: disable temporal_agg and increase query frequency here. We tried as high as 20.
Example loss curve (L1):