The application helps manage trading cards and organize them into collections (e.g. "cubes") and decks. Users can update the amount of times a card has won or lost to help the owner of the cube to see how the cards are performing.
The application currently has the following features:- The user can log in, log out and create an account.
- The user can create a new empty collection of cards.
- The owner of a collection can invite other users to the collection.
- The owner can uninvite users from their collection.
- The user can delete their collections.
- The user can add cards to their collection.
- Each card has a name, amount of wins, losses and a win rate percentage.
- Wins and losses can be incremented and decremented.
- The user can delete cards from their collection.
- The owner or an invited user can add decks to their collection.
- The creator of a deck or the owner of the collection can add and remove cards to the deck.
- Decks can be deleted.
- A user can browse their collections and cards within the collections.
- The navigation bar and its links work correctly.
- The navigation bar's links depend on whether or not the user is logged in.
- The front page has a link to the registration page.
- Registering an account requires an username consisting of 1-60 english letters or numbers and a password of at least 6 characters
- After registering an account, the page should redirect back to the front page with the login form
- The front page should display the logged user's username, or the registration link for an unlogged user.
- The login form should work correctly and redirect the user to the front page after a successful operation.
- A logged user should be able to log out by clicking the link on the front page.
- After a successful logout operation the user should be redirected to the front page.
Error page should have a link to the front page and display an explanation of what caused the error.
No unrecognized errors (i.e. Internal Server Error 500) are thrown
Errors are thrown for:
- Registering with an existing username
- Registering with an invalid username
- Username can only contain letters a-z and numbers 0-9
- Username can have between 1 and 60 characters
- Passwords don't match when registering
- Logging in with incorrect credentials
- Adding a collection without a name or a name with over 60 characters
- Viewing a collection as an uninvited user directly through the url
- Inviting a user without entering a name
- Inviting a nonexistent user
- Inviting an already invited user
- Uninviting an empty choice
- Adding a card without a name
- Adding a card with a name longer than 150 characters
- Adding a deck without a name
- Adding a deck with a name longer than 150 characters
- Adding a nonexistent card to a nonexistent deck
- Removing a nonexistent card from the deck
- The collection page should be accessible from the front page if and only if the user is logged in.
- Writing a name to the collection form and submitting should correctly create a new collection.
- The collection must have a name
- The collection page should display all of the user's collections.
- The collections should display a button to delete them, and deletion should remove the collection and the cards inside without affecting the other collections or their contents.
- The user can click a collection's name to access their unique page.
- Deleting a collection asks for confirmation before performing the operation.
- Users can be invited and uninvited only by the collection's owner
- Invited users' rights work correctly - they can:
- View collections they've been invited to
- Create decks in that collection
- Add, remove and update the winrate of cards to their decks from the collection
- See other users' decks
- Cannot manipulate other users' decks
- Inviting users works correctly (the username field is case sensitive!)
- Uninviting users works correctly
- Uninviting users requires confirmation
- The user can alternate between viewing cards and viewing decks
- A collection's page should display the form to add a card and a list of cards added to it.
- For a new collection, no cards should be visible.
- A card is added by typing its name into the form and submitting it.
- Trying to submit an empty form should return an error page.
- Each card should display their name, wins, losses and a win-rate percentage (rounded to two decimal places). The win-rate is 0% when the cards have no wins or losses marked.
- Currently there is a bug where wins and losses can go down into the negatives.
- Each card should display the following buttons (no button should affect the other cards in the collection):
- delete card: should remove the card from the collection.
- add win: should increment the card's wins and update its win rate.
- add loss: should increment the card's losses and update its win rate.
- remove win: should decrement the card's wins and update its win rate.
- remove loss: should decrement the card's losses and update its win rate.
- Deleting a card asks for confirmation before performing the operation.
- Empty decks can be created
- Cards from the collection can be added to a deck
- Multiple copies of a card can be added to a deck
- Win and loss adjustments made to cards in a deck carry over to the collection
- Individual cards can be deleted without affecting duplicate copies of it in the deck.
- Deleting a deck asks for confirmation before performing the operation.
- Inviting the user requires a confirmation by the client to avoid misclicks.
- The user can search for a card in a collection or deck by name or other property.
- The user can sort cards by name, wins, losses, winrate and time added.
- The user can add multiple cards at once.
- The user can update multiple cards' wins or losses at once.
- The user can edit cards' names.
- More properties for the cards, such as mana cost, color or other attributes.
- Admin role functionality with more rights than a regular user (ability to see all users).