Console is a header only library that provides a simple integration to use integration between console and code nevironment.
#include <fox/console.hpp>
#include <iostream>
// Provide global instance
[[nodiscard]] inline fox::console::console_manager& fox::console::console_manager::instance()
static fox::console::console_manager mgr;
return mgr;
fox::console::variable<int> test_var("variable", 1);
std::string to_uppercase(std::string str)
std::ranges::for_each(str, [](char& c) { c = static_cast<char>(std::toupper(c)); });
return str;
fox::console::function<std::string(std::string)> test_func("to_upper", to_uppercase);
int main()
using namespace std::string_view_literals;
namespace foxc = fox::console;
auto print_error = [](auto&& error) -> foxc::invoke_result { return foxc::invoke_output{ "Error: " + error.message() }; };
auto& cm = fox::console::console_manager::instance();
// Get variable's value
<< ">> variable\n"
<< cm.execute("variable")[0].or_else(print_error).value().out
<< '\n';
// Set variable's value
<< ">> variable 5\n"
<< cm.execute("variable 5")[0].or_else(print_error).value().out << '\n';
// Invoke function
std::cout << ">> to_upper \" foxes can fly \"\n"
<< cm.execute("to_upper \" foxes can fly \"")[0].or_else(print_error).value().out << '\n';
return 0;
To use console
library with dynamic linking you need to expose console_manager
instance to loader libraries. Check dynamic linking example for more informations.
You can enable builtin multithreading support by defining FOX_CONSOLE_THREAD_SAFE
preprocessor macro. If possible, a critical section approach is recommended. This option is on by default in CMake configuration
Instead of making all the console manager calls thread safe it's recommend to take an advantage of an application wide critical section if possible. Check critical section for more informations.
This is a C++ 23 library.
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 (msvc) / Build Tools 19.38.33134 (and possibly later)
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 (clang) 16.0.5 (and possibly later)
is a header only library. You can copy and paste the header into your project or use CMake build system.
# set(FOX_CONSOLE_THREAD_SAFE OFF) # Disable thread safe
# set(FOX_CONSOLE_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS OFF) # Disable exceptions
FetchContent_Declare(fox_console GIT_REPOSITORY
target_link_libraries(foo PRIVATE fox::console)
This library is licensed under the MIT License.