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Quick Start

Egor Taflanidi edited this page Aug 29, 2019 · 6 revisions

Given you have already installed our library, let's get started and put together a small project.

Simple EditText for phone numbers

Let's say, you've got an EditText in your XML layout.
First of all, make sure its digits contains the full set of expected characters for this particular case:

    android:digits="1234567890+-() " 
    android:inputType="number" />

Here's a programmatic equivalent using Java:

editText.setKeyListener(DigitsKeyListener.getInstance("1234567890+-() "));
I wanna know why Here, our library uses an Editable variable, which accepts only pre-registered characters from the corresponding input type. Specifying the input type is pretty much the only way to set the onscreen keyboard type. Numeric keyboard doesn't allow special characters like "(" or space. Thus, you'll end up with an IndexOutOfBoundsException crash.

Okay, now you've got to instantiate an MaskedTextChangedListener instance, which is a TextWatcher and an OnFocusChangeListener.

Then wire it up with the corresponding EditText like this:

final EditText editText = findViewById(;

final MaskedTextChangedListener listener = MaskedTextChangedListener.Companion.installOn(
    "+7 ([000]) [000]-[00]-[00]",
    new MaskedTextChangedListener.ValueListener() {
        public void onTextChanged(boolean maskFilled, @NonNull final String extractedValue, @NonNull final String formattedValue) {
            Log.d("TAG", extractedValue);
            Log.d("TAG", String.valueOf(maskFilled));


Alternatively, you may manually subscribe an MaskedTextChangedListener:

val editText = findViewById( // echo "Hello Kotlin Extensions" 
val listener = MaskedTextChangedListener("+7 ([000]) [000]-[00]-[00]", editText)

editText.onFocusChangeListener = listener

All set. Run.

Sample project is located under the /app.