...and Ned Batchelder's coverage.py on-the-fly remote reports wrapper
- pip install moncov
- moncov reset
- sudo moncov enable
- python misc/sample.py
- sudo moncov disable
- moncov ned --include "*sample.py" --report
- use
moncov ned --xml -o coverage.xml --ignore-errors
to feed cobertura and alike - please, refer to [stack overflow] (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15759150/src-lxml-etree-defs-h931-fatal-error-libxml-xmlversion-h-no-such-file-or-di) should pip install fail for you with
libxml/xmlversion.h: No such file or directory
moncov ned
report options should match those of coverage.py- esp.
--xml, --annotate, --fail-under
- try moncov ned --help