Real Time Finance is a simple websocket public API to get real-time stock prices. The following markets are available at the moment :
- Forex
- US and European stocks companies (around 10K stocks) EURONEXT, NASDAQ, NYSE ...
Download rtf binaries : Unix, macos and windows binaries available.
Use market name and stock symbol to receive datas. In this example we get quotations from Netflix (nasdaq) :
rtf add --market="NASDAQ" --stock="NFLX"
Another example to get quotations from Goldman Sachs (nyse) :
rtf add --market="NYSE" --stock="GS"
Forex example to get eur/usd quotation :
rtf add --market="FX" --stock="EURUSD"
price: 386.70,
volume: 665805,
time: 1643359743,
symbol: 'NFLX',
market: 'NASDAQ'
Here after you can find JSON list with symbols :
Further infos: