IfScript is a compare method which compares a plain text value to other values using its own syntax. It is an user-friendly and objective form of defining comparative methods.
// ifscript(text, ifscriptSyntax);
ifscript("QuIcK FoX", "quick fox"); // simple comparison without case sensitivity
ifscript("QuIcK FoX", "=QuIcK FoX"); // simple comparison WITH case sensitivity
ifscript("QuIcK FoX", "~fox"); // checks if left value contains the "fox" (case insensitive)
ifscript("QuIcK Fox", "!~ foobar"); // checks if left value NOT contains "foobar"
ifscript("QuIcK FoX", "?~ quick ; ~ fox"); // checks if left value contains "quick" or contains "fox"
In all cases above, the result is a Boolean true
npm install ifscript
The function returns a Boolean
or false
whether it passes the test or not.
The first parameter is a plain text to be compared, and the second is Monico Syntax String
const ifscript = require("ifscript");
ifscript("Chrome", "?chromium ; chrome");
ifscript("003.140", "#3.14");