As a Senior Full Stack Web Engineer with 7+ years of professional background, I have successfully developed and published more than 40 sites using modern JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries such as React, Vue, Next, Nuxt for the front end and Node.js(Express.js), Python(Django), PHP(Laravel), and Ruby on Rails for the back end.
- Frontend: React, Next.js, Vue.js, UI Frameworks(MUI, AntD, ...), Tailwind
- Backend: Django & Django Restframework, Node.js, Express.js, Laravel
- Devops: AWS(Amplify, CodeCommit, Cognito, EC2, ...), Heroku, DigitalOcean
- Project Manangement: Jira,Notion, Github, Butbucket, Gitlab
- Others: Mathematics, Strong Algorithms, Data Science
- Discord: Dev0304#4458
- Telegram: SR_FullStackDev